Need advice , not doing well

Im not in a good head space, I am noticing an increase in my panic attacks. Im having feelings of worthlessness and stupidity due to these panic attacks, feeling scared, and unsure. Any suggestions on how to bring ones self out of a panic spiral? I know its triggered by ptsd due to a conversation I had earlier.


When I have a high anxiety day I try to limit what I have to do that day to small, overviewable and immediate things. Things w my hands. Housework, exercise, dog grooming. I can attempt a bit of creativity that often opens a window in my mind to let some of the pressure out. I also enjoy being at work on those days cos I know the environment and tasks to do and the stress helps me get out of my head for a while.

There’s also valerian and l-theanine I take when it’s really bad to take the edge off. No caffeine obvs.

Also I cut myself slack. It’s ok to avoid too challenging things when the whole body and mind are on fire w fear.

Hope you get through the day ok. :pray:t2:


I have constant feeling of woethlessness , its so overpowering at times , then its coupled with fear of abandonment.


Yup, I know 100% how you’re feeling. This is not something that’s going to go away any time soon or that you’ll be able to resolve during an active anxiety/panic time. All you can do rn is to deal w your symtopms i.e. the fear.

The worthlessness and all that means in your life you have to address long term. I am in psychotherapy have been for 5 yrs now. I used to be eaten up by self hate, ever since my teens. This has improved significantly over the last 5yrs and all the work I’ve done in therapy. I do psychoanalysis. I wish you the best. Find something that will reach deep down into that deep seated shame and self hate. That furnace won’t stop burning on its own.
Much love, you are not alone w your experience.


I have similar experiences, and I have ptsd as well, along with panic attacks. I take meds for all of it but sometimes they don’t do what their suppose to and I get stuck in an episode… best thing I can do is focus on my breathing and try to meditate at least for 10-15min. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t.
When it doesn’t, that’s when I try to distract myself with music to feel my way thru my emotions.
It also helps when you have people to talk to you can trust about these things… around here that’s hard to find… but on this app, I’ve been so thankful for many people going thru the same thing… or similar…
Hope this helps but you need more, don’t fear sending a msg :people_hugging:


It’s three hours since you posted this. I hope you are OK. I’m sorry that the conversation put you in such a bad place.
You are worthy, you are important, and you are not any less of a person because you’re having a panic attack.
Everything I was going to say has already been said, I will repeat it.

You want to regain your power over the conversation where it is not totally taking you over.

You also want to regain your power over the physical symptoms that you are having.

Rhythmic breathing is a very good start.

A huge benefit is that you can do it anywhere at any time, unnoticed for instance, standing in a grocery store line or even right in the presence of the person that’s causing the attack.

I am going to include a link to many of the variations on breathing, whether you breathe in for so many seconds, hold it for so many seconds, or let it out for so many seconds, really doesn’t matter, what matters is that you do it, should you choose to.

The second would be some type of exercise if you could go for a walk, do some, jumping up and down, do some planks, do something to expend some energy away from the panic into energy. That’s getting some of that panic energy out of you. Go run as fast as you can for as long as you can. Something that’s in your range of ability.

Talk about it. As someone said here, write it out here and discuss it. That will help get some of the toxicity away from you and get that negative energy out away from you. Everybody here is happy to hear the story and listen to what happened. With empathy, compassion understanding and love.

If you feel like you may hurt yourself or you feel totally not yourself anymore then if you feel like you need help, then get in touch with the emergency services in your area

There are threads on this site for meditation. A lot of the people discuss using Insight Timer. Search up there for meditation threads. It’s an active thread and you can find it real easy.

Drinking will not help with any of it. I hope that you are doing better and that you will be able to use some of the ideas mentioned here on the comments to your original needed advice, not doing well post and that they will be helpful for you.

Panic is real. Panic can be very disabling. Certain parts of panic can be controlled in some ways.

Big hugs from here.


To me your value is astronomical. In the short time I’ve known you… You have helped me with advice, made me laugh and have given me endless encouragement.

If you’ve done that for me, I’m sure there are countless others that feel the same. Keep your head up, and know you’re an awesome chick!


I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, panic and anxiety are no fun. First of all, know that you were not alone, it is super super super common. But remember, although panic attacks feel like an eternity, they tend not to last that long.
I know it’s the last thing you may feel like doing, but any type of physical exercise, even walking down the street and back. Something happens, chemically that releases chemicals that ease our mind. And if you can’t do that, because I know it’s hard, just cuddle up and watch a show that relaxes you, for me it’s old westerns, but it’s different for everybody. You’ll get your mind off things.
One thing is for sure for sure, picking up won’t do any good, in fact, it’ll make it 1000 times worse. Remember, this too shall pass! Best wishes! Bobby.


I can relate.I too have ptsd due to the streets,prison,and the repercussions of being hurt by people who ive put my life on the line and did not get the same inreturn.What i found that helps me with the after feelings of worthlessness is i become of service to someone else.That helps me forgive myself first and foremost and gives me a sense of usefulness.

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How ya doing @Button83?