Need advice on my sponsor

Hello. I have not shared in a bit. I have a sponsor. He is a good person. He is younger, 38, and he is retired. I work about 50 hours a week. I text and call everyday. I go to meetings 3 to 5 times a week. I also go to his home every week for a book study. Yesterday out of the blue he texted me and said" I will continue to support you but I’m not sure if I can sponsor you" I was a little shocked. He told me he fired sponsees alot. That he takes sobriety more serious than his life. I do to. Am I missing something? I’m not a touchy person. I’m not bent about this. I am a little concerned. Any thoughts?


People here will disagree with me, but for me a sponsor’s commitment is to take you through the work in the book, not to get you sober and not to keep you sober and sure as shit not to run your life. Other’s believe that a sponsor must be more involved and run your life or at least approving everything you do in life. That isn’t the role a sponsor should be playing to me.

While what you need to do to maintain your sobriety is a fluid thing and is up to you, by no means do you seem to be slacking with what you shared. I think it is fair to ask him why, but know that it likely has nothing to do with you. He has helped you stay sober this long, all you can do is say thanks and ask if he has any people he would suggest you speak to. My guess is that it is more to do with him, than anything about your sobriety.


I completely agree with you. I don’t take guys on too raise. I get them through the steps. Get them to their higher power and let them go for the most part. I would be very arrogant to think I could run their life or be a counselor or therapist. I get em to God and that’s where they should turn first for their dilemmas. Then the book. I ask that they call me with a solution not a problem once they’ve been through their steps.
Having said that I think you and your sponsor out grew your relationship. Which is a great thing!
Spread your wings brother. Stay connected with others and live.
Happy, joyous, and FREE :smiley:


Sounds like you’re doing everything right. I would ask why he can’t sponsor you any longer. Having feedback will help you move forward with another sponsor. I would want to know why, to avoid making the same mistake twice. If there was a mistake that was made. Maybe it’s nothing you did and he just has too much on his plate or schedules don’t jive.