Need advice 🤯

Hi, I was wondering from everyone that has or does suffer from alcohol addiction, what your best methods are in staying clean and quitting? What did you do to beat it? Do meetings, books etc help?


Quitting…the first thing I had to do was tell myself NO. Sometimes often, sometimes out loud.
After about a week of that, I have found that being here, checking in daily, and reading a lot of threads has helped a lot.
I read sobriety books occasionally as well.
That’s been working really well for me at this point (6.5 months). If I find I need more in the future, I will add other things to my daily go-to tools.


I go to meetings


Yes, these and this forum are but tools to use to help guide you on your journey.
The only thing that ultimately can actually make you succeed is your determination and mindset.
It is hard work at first to break the habits formed over time. It is possible but you have to be honest and strict with yourself.


I think for everyone is a number of different things. For me what kick started my sobriety was listening to This Naked Mind by Annie Grace, it’s a game changer! I downloaded in audiable and it’s narrated by the author which is great.
I also did guided and gong meditation classes for my busy monkey mind and yoga for my anxiety. I also listen to podcasts such as Super Soul conversations and Rich Roll, try to read about things that I love like spirituality and history.
In the 430 days I have been sober I have read more books and interesting articles than ever in my life. I also seek out lectures and conferences for my professional development.
It has also been a self discovery journey as before I was not sure of what really made me happy and I am now slowly finding out.


I quit cold turkey and I couldn’t do it alone, so I leaned on the great folks in this forumn. I tried AA meetings, and educated with books, podcasts and vlogs/videos.

But in order to do all of that, I first had to stop fighting my addiction and so I surrendered; gave up, threw in the towel. Only then could I quit.

As hard as it seems right now, you can do it too! With an open mind and a willing heart, you can put down that shovel and you can pull yourself out of the hole. :blush:


Hi @Bb471, in the beginning I Talked to my dr. Got on medication for a month or 2.
Listened to podcast about alcoholics in recovery
Went to AA
Walked a lot
Came here everyday. Still try too
I second this naked mind book or podcast, helped change my mindset about alcohol
Had to keep telling myself it is only for today. Just this day, hour, minute


I tried to get sober many times but I could not STAY sober until I went to AA

BUT…was it AA that got me sober or just that I was finally in a place where I was ready to walk in through the door.


Reading and posting to this forum. Doing the same things the sober people do/did.

So yeah. Working the 12 steps with a sponsor, meetings, books, mediation, exercise, sleeping and eating right.

I could write a book but someone else already did.


@VSue I think it’s both! I recently got sober and it was because I chose to do so and I was ready to try a meeting. The meetings are a huge part of what is keeping me sober. I’ve also been listening to the podcast “Recovery Elevator.” I’ve been listening to at least one episode a day. As far as books go, I’ve heard that This Naked Mind is very inspiring. Good luck!

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I love Recovery Elevator too. It’s been a while since I listened to one. Thanks for the reminder.

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Thanks for recommending Recovery Elevator. Just downloaded 4 episodes for my 2 hour flight.

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Just stay busy, have hobbies, and avoid triggers.

Everyone can say “go to meetings” etc… but you can only go to the gym and talk to a therapist for so many hours of the day.

It’s best to have hobbies and stuff to keep you occupied. Because, at least in my sobriety, it’s those inbetween doing nothing times where picking up a drink feels like a good idea.


I started my sober journey by reading Proverbs and finding hobbies. Then I started reading the rest of the Bible and turned my hobbies into a 2nd job. Between two full time jobs and studying the Bible I stay so busy that I often forget I even used to drink.


Do you remember to sleep at least?

I sleep from 1am to 6am. Who can sleep when life is so exciting?


This is what helped me so far:

  • No alcohol in my house
  • Refrigerator filled with nice food and alc. free drinks
  • Telling my spouse about my sober plan
  • Avoid alcohol related activities and friends (at least in the beginning)
  • Having a day counter
  • Avoid wine/beer section in the supermarket and avoid liquor store
  • Taking a strong vitamine B complex
  • Taking melatonin to help me sleep
  • Be gentle to myself, like go to bed early, taking a long bath, etc.
  • Doing relaxing activaties like meditate, yoga, walking, etc.
  • When I have cravings: I don’t pick up that first one but I walk, run, work out, eat chocolat, watch Netflix, clean, study, whatever.
  • Ask for help when I need it.
  • Be here every day to read and check in sober.

I call this list my “sober plan”. It works for me: yesterday was my 1 year milestone :star_struck:
I wish you the same! You can do it!
Give it all you have, you have to work hard! But it’s doable and absolutely worth it!!
Go get it! :facepunch: