Need help for sleep

So I have been on my sobriety journey for quite some time.
I came on this app I believe in 2021
And I’ve relapsed several times, but I have been clean for almost 11 months
I was A heavy alcoholic and I was Smoking crack cocaine And I would snort at times
Because of the long addiction, it has interrupted my sleep. I cannot sleep at all. Since I was able to break the addiction, I thought maybe if I got onto some anxiety medication It would help but then my body got addicted to the meds and now I’m trying to stop Being independent on the anxiety medication to help me sleep, any advice On how to get back to a natural sleep.
I’ve tried drinking teas at night, Melatonin, Meditation.
My brain just doesn’t shut off


Congrats on 11 months sober!!

I love the guided meditations on a free app called insight timer. My favorite is Kenneth soures. They last longer than an hour but i never make it thru it.

There are also calming sleep stories on youtube.


Thank you :hugs:
Maybe I just need to give myself a little bit more time. I’ve been on Insight Timer for almost a year now and I open it up every day.
Me and my daughter even open up the YouTube videos at night like a two hour timer. It’s crazy cause I’ll fall fall asleep for the first three hours or so and then I’m up for the rest of the night.


Congratulations on your 11 months :fireworks::sparkler::sparkles::sparkler::fireworks:

For me I have to wear my self out like a baby, exercise or walking or something physical. Like literally exhaust myself through out the day… in a positive and healthy way through swimming, walking or gym I find best.



This is some really great Advice thank you so much!!!

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Good to see you!! And congrats on your 11 months. It can all take time for our bodies to heal. Honestly, my sleep was a mess for years, tho a lot of that also had to do with being a female of a certain age and hormones or lack of. I did like the sleep apps for a long while, they helped me relax. I too was always looking for a pill or a solution to sleep problem…so much so actually that sleep then became something I obsessed over. I am also a big believer in getting in some long daytime or early evenings walks or break them up into smaller ones. Exercise to tiredness can help sleep. It sucks and I feel for you. It is hard not to let our minds take over at night when they chatter. I would get up eventually have a decaf tea and read a book til tired. :people_hugging:




We’ve walked extremely similar paths addiction and coping skills wise and exercising throughout the day helps me. I could share some of my routines with you. I’m disabled so they are not to strenuous but very effective!


Oh, sleep struggles :face_exhaling: I have the same issue of not being able to fall asleep bc my brain won’t stop. I agree with the others by wearing yourself out. When your body feels exhausted enough, your brain will shut down to let you rest. Even if it’s just one good night here and there, it helps.

I also know if you’re getting off, or even just reducing anxiety meds, it takes a long time for your body to readjust to normalcy. Don’t give up :muscle:


I agree and also doing the something that tired you out really can leave your mind and brain feeling good. Gives it a break while it concentrates on the activity you choose to do.