Need some advice please on b12

Hi guys

My mother has just found out she has a b12 deficiency. She is 60 years old, only bad habbit is smoking. I would please like some advice on what else she should take to absorb the b12 better.


LOTS of people have B12 deficiencies. The truth is that our current “western” diet has been depleted of most of it’s natural B12 (which actually comes from soil bacteria). She just needs to take a supplement and build up those levels again.

Personally I recommend sublingual tablets. I think it is better absorbed than a normal swallowed tablet but I can’t say 100% (I’m not a doctor or a nutritionist). Some people get injections or use dermal patches. There is lots of ways to take B12.

Did the doctor recommend a specific dose? I know when I was B12 deficient my doctor had me taking 1000 ug per day even though the RDA is much lower. I think you just need to take as much as you can to build up the reserves again. I don’t think you can take too much.

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