Need some help here

Ive woken up from the worst nightmare ive had about drinking so far, in my dream i was drunk and horrible things were happening, ive woken up sobbing and in a panic state can anyone help me to calm down i cant seem to get my head together


Those kind of (relapse) dreams are not funny at all. I know how you feel. The good part of the story is that you are still sober.
What helps me is getting out of the house for a walk to get out of my head. Maybe you have the time for a walk right now?
What also helped me is understand what a relapse dream is. This info I found helpfull:

You will feel better soon! This too shall pass :facepunch:


Thank you Claudia…i just needed someone to talk to as its too early to call anyone here, the nightmare was hideous so i wont go i to detail…ive cried it out, got out of bed, made myself a warm drink and done some deep breathing, it was horrible, im waiting on real mental help ive my first appointment the 1st December


Sending hugs. I’ve been up since 3am today after a horrible nightmare too. I was scared to go back to sleep so got up and made coffee. Now just hanging out on my couch with a cat, finally calming down. Nightmares suck. We’ll get through this.


The best part is that you woke up and you woke up sober. I’m here if you need me.


Hugs to you too Karen, horrible isnt it, now im a bit more awake and logical ive calmed down alot, at these times im reminded that i still have alot of issues to work through but the dilver lining is that i am still sober, it wasnt real


Thank you Emilie, yes thats very true, i feel a bit like im treading water at the moment until i start my therapy but at least im sober


I get a reminder now and then that there is still work to be done even after putting down the bottle (in my case). Therapy is such a gift to give yourself. Hang in there.

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Ironically i went to bed last night happy that in a couple of days (tomorrow) il have 90 days sober the longest in 5 years then i get this awful nightmare, it wont make me relapse but its thrown up alot of emotion


Big milestones can trigger all sorts of feelings. I’m proud of you for 90 days! Your brain may have some more complex emotions to feel about your milestone. Try to sit with all the crazy emotions, acknowledge what they are and let them go. Icky stuff demands to be felt.


I always second guess myself after I give advice. Please don’t force yourself to feel emotions that are too big just because I told you to. Stay safe in your sobriety and in your brain.

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Its ok Emilie your advice means alot to me and its helping me alot, no need for second guessing. Although i wish neither of us had this to deal with it helps to know you understand. I do need to feel the emotions and i allowed myself that which is why i cried hard when i first woke up which is how i deal with things…i have to…i know that this is deep rooted shit coming through after i numbed it all with alcohol for so long …just part of the process. Thank you for being you :heart:

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Aw shucks. That made my eyes all misty. A good cry heals many things. 90 days is great! I’m glad I could be a part of it.

I’m happy we are both here. :heart:

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You are :blush: thank you for taking the time to help me out this morning i really needed it…

Thank you to Claudia and Karen also, it means alot :heart:


You’re welcome :pray:
Hope you feel better by now!

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So so scary. I think of these nightmares as a purging. There are so many complex emotions we tangle up and stuff down hard in our addiction cycle. Dreams are often a way for that deep down place to sort itself out again and heal. When you feel less emotional, try to sort out the images and feelings of the nightmare to see if it brings you any revelations or clarity that could be a help in your recovery. For now, just take care of yourself. Be proud that the nightmare isn’t real because of your good work and your recovery. :heart:

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I was doing really well Claudia until around 30 minutes ago my mother text to see what i was up to, i said im about to pop out for a, b and c from the store…her reply…" are you sure thats ALL your going for??"… meaning am i going for alcohol. …well she mights well have punched me in the guts…