Need sponsor

I’ve read that sponsor is very helpful for constant relapser.

I need a sponsor.

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What do you expect from a sponsor?

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To help me quitting addiction.

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From my experience, the person who suggests the things I don’t want to hear, says things that step on my toes or maybe even makes me feel insecure. I’m a tough case, and a very severe addict, worse of the worse maybe :man_shrugging: You might need someone completely different, I know a lot of people look for someone who just wants to listen.


You sober ??

From how many days?

A sponsor is a type of mentor specific to programs like AA, and they help take you through the 12 steps. You generally find them at AA meetings. Right now most AA meetings are happening virtually. There are some resources here: Online meeting resources


Go to a meeting. Raise your hand and ask for help. It’s really as simple as that. Dont overthink it.

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Get a copy of the big book and read the doctor’s opinion. Once you are done shoot me a message.


Yes, since 10/10/2016


And really, all I have is today. If I get too cocky with a number I could forget just how bad, how isolated, how desperate, how sick the last few years of me using drugs and alcohol were. How violent, how evil I truly was… and it wasn’t the drugs or alcohol, It was me, my disease which I still have. The substances were another symptom I used to try and cope, but they help bring out the very worse in me, I cannot touch them no matter what.


So you still looking for a sponsor? If you are still interested I’m more than willing to take you through the big book and the steps.


If you do do everything he says i know that you can get and stay sober.
This Program can work for anyone, anywhere


Yes I need a sponsor.
I’m having difficulty in sobriety.
I don’t know what to do.

Nothing is working for me.
I end up using again and again.
I have every knowledge.
Drugs are bad.
Not good for health.
But still I’m having problem in quitting.

Ok, as I just mentioned I will take you through the big book (that’s a sponsor). First things first, do you have a big book?


Knowledge has nothing to do with it. This is a spiritual disease that needs a spiritual solution.


How’s the hunt for a sponsor?