Need to dig my heels back in

Hey all, I haven’t really been on here much in over a year just pop in every now and again. I’m starting day one again.
I’ve gone long spans of being sober and then one day I picked it back up for such a stupid reason. My best friends wedding. I have huge fear of talking in front of crowds so I decided to drink…and now every few weeks I drink and I crave it all over again and I drink ALOT.
I know I’m a binge drinker.
I wanted to write on here again to start keeping myself accountable and talking to other people about it again.

Has anyone else went long spans then starting drinking again and got sober??how did you get back on the sober train and stay there? It feels like I’m walking up a slippery hill.


Welcome back. 2 years ago I achieved 58 days of continuous sobriety. I threw it away because I felt sorry for myself and my friend got fired so there was a reason to break. I didn’t stop for 5 months. When I did stop, something was different, I was ready to not just stop the destructive behavior but dig in and figure out why. I was able to enter into recovery, not just sobriety.

I would encourage you to examine your relationship with alcohol. Figure out why you do what you do. How do you use it to cope, and what tools can you gain in its stead.

For me, I used alcohol to cope with the good and the bad, and eventually, everything in between. It became my crutch. But not anymore.

Welcome back!


Thank you so much. You are so strong. I’ve been avoiding the problem and acting like it isn’t there. I do need to find my why.