Need to escape

Far far away from all


Sending strength and prayers. Congrats on the six months. You drinking will not help.


At first congratulations with the six months being sober! I’m sorry you are not in a good headspace right now. Beside the drinking and the gambling, how is your relationship with your partner? Is there still enough love left?
Do you both want to fight for your relationship?

And it maybe harsh to say but this above is no reason to stay with someone for the rest of your life…

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Oh that’s a tough situation. I’m sober almost 10 days and my husband’s still drinking every night. I have to distract myself, but it’s hard for you I’m sure to see your husband’s health so fragile and yet he still can’t change. That’s the power of addiction. I worry so much about my husband’s health too. Ultimately, it is his journey. I’m trying my best to lead by example, but asking him to stop does not help. You need to take care of yourself, and as hard as it is, accept that you can’t change your husband’s choices.


I don’t know if we have what it takes to turn this around. He shows no effort to change anything at all.

Talking about it here ore with friends in real life helps to see things in perspective. You do not have to make fast desicions. Focus on you now and your sobriaty. And in the meanwhile think about what you want/ need in life. Also be open about it with your partner. What do you need from him in your relationship? It takes 2 to tango!


I don’t think my husband is ready to quit drinking. I am completely honest with him though that if I seem a bit on edge or frustrated with him in any way that it does make it harder to see him drinking and I’m trying to understand that he needs to make his own choices but sometimes I just need to remove myself, go to a different room or keep myself distracted. He is showing support in other ways by understanding that I am going through some withdrawal so he’s trying to help out more and he’s trying to be a little bit more present and understanding. Even though he’s still drinking, his efforts in that make a difference.

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Congratulations on 6 months sobriety. I know it’s not an easy journey but definitely worth it. I’m sorry you’re going through this with your husband. One thing I learned and experience during my journey was that I stopped when ultimately it became too much and not more so what my boyfriend was telling me. My suggestion would be to have a heart to heart with him when he’s sober and that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop but at least you’re open about your feelings with him and hopefully he can make that tough decision to call it a quits. I know you mentioned he has health issues and I hope he can one day wake up and say Today is the day to stop drinking. Whatever you do don’t pick up that bottle you’ve worked so hard to be where you are. Sending you lots of positive vibe keep your head up.