Needing Encouragement

Welcome! The first days are really hard, spend as much time on this forum as you can. It will help! Congrats for starting this new journey, your kids and husband will love meeting the new you!
You can do this! One day at a time!!


Thank you so much. I was on most of the night to get through. Super blessed to have this option.


Hey Taylor-- welcome to the community. Grateful to see you on day 2. You are absolutely right -the beginning of the sobriety journey is hard and exhausting. You can overcome this part and in time start reaping the benefits of a sober life.

I am grateful that you hubby is supportive of you and staying home to help out with the kids. Make sure to drink lots of liquids to keep you hydrated.

I have found this community to be so very helpful - very supportive and so many threads with great advice. Take your time to review and jump in when you feel ready. You may also want to look into meetings in real life to have some additional support.


Welcome! I love your user name! I’m glad your husband is being supportive. You don’t need to feel bad about accepting help. When you are back on your feet, you can pass it on and help someone else in need. What is your plan to quit? What have you tried before?


I appreciate that so much. I am also super grateful to have his support. It’s hard to imagine doing this without him.
They have a meeting just for woman/moms on Thursday that I’ll be able to go to and it’s actually not even 5 minutes from my house. Ive just got to make it that long. I know they have a zoom option I’m not sure how to do that though.


Thank you! I am so freaking ready. I actually have never tried… not for real. Unfortunately my husband has brought it up too many times over the last few years and i just would hide it. It’s time though. My children are more important. My marriage is at risk.
I feel like I’m in survival mode at the moment. I don’t feel like doing anything, no energy or motivation. So many negative thoughts CONSTANTLY going through my mind.

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I know Thursday seems like forever but it is right around the corner. In the mean time - we are here with you as well… i find the Checking in daily to maintain focus #58 thread is super helpful.

You can go on google and download the zoom app. Search for online meetings (i believe In The Rooms has many) click on the link for active meeting and i believe it opens right up. If you are interested - i can search for one and help get you started.
You can hide your camera and also mute the audio if you feel shy at the beginning.

You can last till Thursday and beyond! Keep positive and strong :muscle:


You got this. Keep posting here for all the encouragement you need. I made it to day ten before I knew it. It will get easier, just get over this hump.


Taylor, welcome to TS. This place has been a lifesaver for me. Good luck with your upcoming meeting and hang in there. :heart:


Thank you. I appreciate you. I’ll give it a try myself but if need help I’ll be sure to reach out.

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Welcome and congratulations on day 2!

My children were my reason to get clean too! We can draw strength from them, and from this amazing place! I basically lived on this app the first few days/weeks. It can help you to get through to Thursday, and beyond then. Here you have your own cheer team to help when you need it. All you have to do is say “help” on the checking in thread
Someone will be on to help.
Lots of love to you :people_hugging::heartbeat:

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Thank you!

I believe the same, the guilt of them not having me until i feel better is heavy. I know it will pass but right now it’s hard for me to even be around them because of it and i don’t want them to feel unloved by me.

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Doing this for your children is an act of love in and of itself. Make sure you also do this for yourself too. You deserve to be happy and healthy and have the energy to do things with them, and for yourself.
You can do it ! And your children will be so happy to see you feeling better too :heartbeat:

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Hi I’m on day one and I’m doing it for my kids as well. It’s amazing you have your husbands support to help you. I’m scared myself but we will get through it together. I’m just trying to stay away from the store and focus on caring for my kids right now. Good luck you can always reach out and we can encourage each other🤞


I needed this, thank you.

I’ve downloaded the zoom app. I have searched everywhere for a place to search and cannot find it. It is only giving me an option for the code to join.

Great job on joining the zoom app! You would search for a meeting in google and when it says join in now you will be able to zoom cause you have the app already downloaded.

For instance check out InTheRooms - InTheRooms meetings
You will need to create a profile but then can log into any of the meetings and join in now that you have zoom downloaded.

I hope that made sense.

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You got this I’m going to start zoom meetings as well for additional story since I can’t go to any in person while having little kids.


Good idea to get some zoom meetings especialy when you can’t find any stationary place. Get grip first days are tough but later will be much easier. Drink a lot of water, eat healthy or just as you like. Most ipmortant not to be hungry. If kids are your motivation be with them give them some time. And have some rest if you can. Bearing what i mentioned above is HALT method. It means not to be Hungry Angry Lonely Tired. Take care!

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I like that the HALT method don’t be:
Hungry because each time I was hungry I thought it was because I needed a drink instead of actual food.
I was always Angry when drinking and I could never let the past be the past or had any reason.
When my husband became an on the road truck driver a few months ago is when my drinking hit an all time high because I was always Lonely and alone with the kids. He is changing jobs and this is his last week on the road that’s another reason I want to be sober for him. I was so awful to him many times when I was drunk and I just want to show him that’s not who I am and get back to the woman he fell in love with.
Lastly being Tired…… I was always tired while drinking. I could never get enough sleep and with two little kids I know many times I passed out on them and they just sat on the bed with their iPads while I was sleep. Then when I woke up I would drink all over again and drag them to the store before 2am to get more drinks if I was scared I would run out before they finally went to sleep. Smh never again