Needing Temp Sponsor ASAP

** I’m needing help. I’m going on my 90 days clean. There’s so much going on in my life right now that’s dramatic and traumatic. Also looking for a sponsor in my area if possible, but if not, then any temporary sponsorship would be beneficial for me. I still have the desire to use, although I don’t because I know it’s not in my best interest nor the best interest of my family. I don’t really have any friends where I isolated myself for so long. I have three children. My eldest son Will be 14 in a few days, my daughter is 11 1/2 and I have a baby boy who is 2. My baby is in foster care and I have worked my case plan as thoroughly as humanly possible and then some but DSS is a nightmare to deal with. All I’m waiting on right now is for my SSI benefits to come through and then I’ll be able to have my son Back. My Older children are in custody of my parents, but I see them frequently and speak to them daily/lots of FaceTime. They are my motivation to stay clean right now and the reason why I am clean. I need that reason to be for myself and I know this. I am 36 years old and been in and out of the program since I was 19, I was just paralyzed last year by the hospitals negligence in caring for me because of my substance abuse history. Yes, there is a huge lawsuit in place where I will get a settlement, but nothing they can do can give me what they have taken Away. Help is needed and wanted.**


What is your addiction? You can find sponsors for alcohol at, for narcotics/opioids at; there are other addictions too (if yours is different let me know and I can look for the group for yours).

Go to the website and click the “Meetings” link in the menu. Join a meeting - there are lots, in person and online - and at the meeting, say you are looking for a temporary sponsor.

Welcome to Talking Sober!

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Welcome to the community, @Sarah.Elizabeth.23, hope you’ll find what you need soon! :crossed_fingers:

Hey Sarah im glad you are participating in recovery. There are 3 underutilized prayers in AA that can really help you as you find mtgsand a sponsor. 1 is god direct my thinking. Iuse this prayer when I’m thinking about the future the past or judging someone. I repeat it until my thinking changes. The second is god take away my fear how would you have me be. It turns out that courage is not the only way to overcome fear. Sometimes patience us needed Sometimes learning is needed. When i say that prayer before I go into a fearful situation god grants me the necessary attitude. 3 god grant me an inspirational thought or action. I use tis prayer when all else fails. When i receive te inspirational thought or action I act on it. I wish you success in your journey. I hope to see you around the tables of AA


Welcome Sarah. That sure sounds like a lot. I am glad you are here. Hopefully you will find the community helpful.

I can’t help about a sponsor, but I bet someone can point you in the right direction. :people_hugging: