Nervous for upcoming weekend

I am trying to kick my nightly wine drinking after work. I’m down five days. My husband has the next four days off worried I’m going to cave. I love not having that slight hangover every morning. Headaches and cravings are being pests!!

Tell your husband what you are doing
I’m sure he will support you.
Find other activities besides drinking

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For me I tryed to control my drinking for so long tryed to play it off like everything was fine. Now that time has pasted and the erge to drink is no longer i am greatful i dont experience the hangovers anymore. For me telling people in my life I’m sober is a big factor in my life because i want people to know so i can’t fool myself i can drink! Keeping busy and the power of prayer is what helps me!

Just keep telling yourself how good it feels not drink my. Focus on that. You can do it.