Never knew it would get this bad

I decided today was the day I quit alcohol. After a long line of failed relationships and 1 marriage, I finally turned to the bottle to fill that emptiness. It’s been about 7 months of heavy drinking. I am starting to feel the addiction creep in. I find myself going out of my way and making sure I have enough alcohol to last me the night, or I bring it when I go out of town just Incase, or I flask up at work parties and events. I don’t drink and drive, and I haven’t ever drank at work…yet. But I feel that it would only be a matter of time. I feel sick during the day when I’m not drinking. I lose focus, my energy is zapped even on 7-8 hours of sleep. It’s just an aweful existence because I am fairly fit, and I workout 4-5 times per week. I want to ween myself off, because cold turkey seems like it would be awful. But I just wanted to sort of get it off my heat and accept I have a problem. On the outside I am a fairly well adjusted put together person who has a career and takes care of my priorities. But on the inside it’s complete and utter chaos. So it is hard for people or anyone to take me seriously. I’ve confided in a few friends and they laughed. So I dunno where to go for support. Anyways, any advice or encouragement through alcohol detox would be amazing. Thank you all for reading.


I drank a lot too when my last breakup happened. I was sad but also free to go party and hook up.

Eventually I started going out by myself. Then drinking home alone. Blackouts. Shame.

Twice a week. Horrible hangovers. Tons of money spent.

Turned into not even being able to date without alcohol involved. Didn’t want to do anything besides party. No way to live.


B vitamins for one, and a crap ton of hydration. I don’t know much about weaning off, but I’ve read it’s really difficult. I went cold turkey after drinking nightly for 3.5 months straight, I had shakes and sweats on the first night; the second day I opted to go to my local 24-hr ER clinic where I was given a b-12 shot and fluid from an IV. The first 3 days for me were hard, my sleep schedule finally normalized on day 9. If there is an outpatient clinic by you, maybe look into that, or even call your general physician.

Furthermore, congrats on taking the right step and recognizing you want to get sober. Whichever way you do it, you won’t regret it.



Oh yeah I hear you. It’s hard for me to have fun at all unless alcohol is involved. It used to be a fun thing with the bros or whatever and now it’s mostly alone drinking :-/


Thank you! :blush: I will definitely look into that. I really feel like I can do this, but I’m terrified of all the withdrawals lol I’ve already been sick to the point of wanting to throw up, anxiety, sudden confusion or disassociation so yeah it’s definitely a wake up call. Thank you for the support :slightly_smiling_face:

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I was terrified of withdrawals too and that’s part of the problem, it causes a crap ton of anxiety and anticipation for the absolute worst. Definitely buy a complex b-vitamin, those help a ton. :slight_smile: and you’re welcome! Also, be around people that support your decision that can help talk you through it.


Yep. Heartbreak drove me to daily and progressively heavier drinking. The world didn’t see my problem. I wasn’t physically addicted I don’t think. I could go a few days without (though for a year barely did) and not suffer major withdrawal. Psychologically however I was definitely addicted! It may not have been a ‘major problem’ compared to some, but it definitely was. Over a year sober now and I’m a different person mentally and physically, so there was definitely a problem before! The worst thing the alcoholic brain can be told is ‘you don’t have a problem, it’s not that bad’ because that will just keep you locked in the ever descending cycle of despair. Time to turn it around and start climbing back to the top :sunny:
Best of luck.


Welcome. Glad today is your day to quit. I’d advise against trying to “self-wean” or “moderate” or “cut down”. These can take more self-discipline than cold turkey, as the temptation to keep going will be deliberately present. I know, because I tried. I tried “only drinking at the tap room” and “only drinking at home”. I tried “only drinking on the weekends” and "only drinking between 5 and 9pm. I tried only drinking one.

Trying to wean is like putting the band-aid on, and slowly tearing it off…then putting it right back on. It’s like being pecked to death by a duck.

What worked for me was 100% committing to never drink again, and then not drinking.

DId it suck? Yes, for a couple of days 2-3 max. Then it sucked less, and everyday a bit less. At about day 7, I felt good. Day 10, I felt great. Day 93, and I feel fantastic.

The choice is yours. 100% Just sharing my experience.


Well said.


Can’t people have seizures/DT’s? It all depends on the regular amount of alcohol intake, I believe…

If that’s rhe case than a supervised detox would be in order.


I definitely see where you are coming from man. It could very well be my withdrawal brain trying to rationalize drinking more :confused: I think you are right I probably should just commit to cold turkey because I definitely played the “only on the weekends” etc game before and it never worked for me.


I know that voice all too well unfortunately. :neutral_face:

Yeah I mean I’m already on stuff for anxiety/depression for unrelated issues but the withdrawals magnify that by 100 lol but I really want it this time so I’m positive I can do it. I just need to keep being motivated :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I’ve read that. I would guess I’m about 500ml per day in whisky :confused: so I’m not sure but I’ve asked my doctor so hopefully we can find the best method. But I’m probably just gonna have to suck it up and get through it


This is a really good place to come for motivation and support. I’m excited for you and your decision to get sober. Definitely get those b-vitamins and something to keep you hydrated. Talk to your GP, or maybe an outpatient if your going cold turkey, alot of times (atleast for me), they ease your mind.

Cheering for you! ╰(´︶`)╯


I’m glad you talked to your doctor about it!


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah you have to break that cycle. It sucks at first. But the lack of fun is really your body craving alcohol. It’s addictive in high quantities. Once some time passes the pull is not as strong. You have to actively get out and do something. Pretend until a habit sets in. Good luck.


Key word being yet. My list of not yets kept getting smaller, while my list of WTF did I do’s kept getting longer. There’s a lot of good people here, any questions you have just fire away.

Luckily for you detoxing from a 7 month run shouldn’t be too bad, unless you were getting down with the drugs too? Stay hydrated. If you can take some time off work I’d go for that. There’s nothing wrong with sleeping a lot to let your body heal.

I also suggest AA because it has worked so well for me. I know others don’t like it, but you should at least give it a try.