Hello. How are you? Hanging in there. I did two more today. Posted on the thread you sent. Having an ok night well, not really but just hanging tight til tomorrow. Been drinking pineapple juice. Wanting to go to sleep but it’s too early. Hope you are doing well.
I’m gonna go look for your post there! I love pineapple juice! I sometimes add coconut milk to mine i definitely relate to wanting to go to sleep but it’s too early! I’m waiting on laundry
My day started earlier then I’d like, and it was packed with big feelings, but it’s better than any day i had when i was using! Congratulations on day 3! You’re doing great! I know how hard it was for me in the early days, so please feel free to reach out to me or anyone else here for a chat if you’re having a rough time! Sending lots of