New beginning (again...hopefully the last lol)

Hey yal :wave:
Crawling to my fellow Sober addicts for support again, been alone mentally lately, in terms of my struggles. I haven’t fallen completely but ive been stuck in a pattern of random “slip-ups”
As of today I am
3 weeks Meth-Free
2 days Opiate-free
2 days Cigarette-free
Im going hard for my sobriety this time. Im taking Gabapentin for the next 3 days (to dull withdrawals), wearing Nicotine patches for the next 8 days… following my own game-plan right now and staying upbeat and positive.
I start a new job next week too so im getting through the worst just in time…
How are the rest of you? I wanna know…lets talk


Welcome and congratulations on your sober days… Keep going… Read around all the positive uplifting posts from folks just like you. Yes it is possible to remain sober and live a happy life.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

Your doing really well :white_check_mark:

Good luck with the new job :star:

Nice to have you with us.



Welcome to the forum Shane! Great work on all of ur timers! Glad ur getting thru the withdrawals alright. I can definitly relate to how uncomfortable it can be. Opiates and meth were probably the 2 most uncomfortable drugs for me to quit.

Spend some time reading around on the threads and feel free to post often! The check in thread is a popular one :slight_smile: Take it one day at a time and remember to reach out before u pick up when u get the urge to use. We can absolutely help u thru it!