New beginnings/ healing old wounds

Yesterday morning for the first time in over 3 years I had a conversation with my dad. We talked for 20 minutes face to face. I told him about being sober. Getting sober and more importantly the reasons before when I wasn’t sober. That I’m not angry anymore and I don’t blame him for what I did. I said I forgive you for what you did to me though. His eyes had so much regret and sadness and I heard for the first time I’m sorry. and we hugged and for the first time. I felt love. I’m very blessed to have him with me still to be able to hear that. Because he didn’t have to say he was proud. He could’ve been angry and left but didn’t. For the first time he said it takes a real man to come to terms and confront and fight demons the way you have and I commend you. Today my sister graduates college and I am 62 days sober. I understand hard times will come. I know I will have more mountains to climb. But to know my dad loves me and that the old me is dead and that hatchet is buried with him is all I need to have wind in my sails. Point of all this is is this. Forgive others cause it’s only hurting you. How can you love and forgive others if you can’t even love or forgive yourself? Is the hardest lesson I’ve learned. Love to all. :peace_symbol::heart_decoration::arrow_up_small: