New Blur Feature for Sensitive Posts/Images - See Rule #15

Recently, hunting pictures were brought to our attention that some found disturbing and felt they did not belong here on TS. After a discussion with Robin, the decision was made NOT to add this to our rules. We want to keep TS a place where anyone can feel free to discuss whatever is going on in their life. We’re also trying to avoid having numerous rules of different things you can/can’t post that become smothering.

Instead, a better solution was found. We’re making a rule that if you DO post something sensitive, you need to mark it using the new blur feature and add a trigger warning / TW to your post. If you spot sensitive content that is not blurred and marked appropriately, we ask that you contact moderators, so we can edit the post and blur it.

The new blur feature is available for images and texts and can be accessed by tapping the gear icon when preparing your post. Then tap “Blur spoiler”. Like this.
Members then have the option to view the blurred text or pic at their discretion by clicking on it (click again to re-blur text, reload app to reblur images).

Please remember that all existing rules still apply to blurred text/images and moderators reserve the right to edit or delete. Be considerate and post with best intentions, keeping in mind - what one person may find appropriate (personally or culturally) may negatively impact another’s sobriety.


Thank you for this …I believe this will be a welcomed feature that will make everyone happy :blush:


While I’m a limited hunter, I fully appreciate this. There is no need to be publicizing pics of dead creatures regardless anyway IMHO.

Good choice team


I hope hunting pictures are still only allowed in the dedicated hunting thread, and the same goes for pics of guns?


All previous restrictions and rules about TWs and dedicated threads still apply. This is just an added feature.


It works for text. But I just unblurred a picture and clicking again to re-blur does not work for me. Once the blur is gone, clicking the pic will open it and give me a download option.
I’m an android user.

Could you lead me to the blur so I can check it out?

It was the gun pic from the daily check-in, that you by now moved into the hunting thread.

That pic was blurred, when I first encountered it on the check-in.

Ah okay, not blurred now, so cannot test. If you find another example of it not reblurring, send me a link please. We will figure it out!

You cannot re-blur a picture by clicking on it again.
But if you reload the thread or the site the picture will be blured again.


When I click in this blurred image I can see the words but when I tap on it again it does go back to being blurred. I didn’t need to leave the thread or refresh. Not sure if same for images or if it only works for texts

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So the re-blur by clicking on it again only works on text?
Maybe change the wording in here then, where Lisa explains the feature, as it’s confusing.
Thanks :blush:

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Exactly. Re-blur clicks only with text. For pictures you need to reload the thread/site.


Done, thanks.

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Fully agree about the dead creatures. I live in an area where deer better know how to run and hide. It’s horrible to see people actually proud that they killed that gentle, beautiful animal.