New first: out with no doc

Hi all im on day 6 and 4 today , but of a ropey night didn’t sleep till 5:30 am ,think it s because it’s been hell in bed for the last six days withdrawing but hay ho I got five hours I wasn’t as soaking wet and I never had a palpitation when I woke up for the first time today ,I did feel however very much like I wanted to sit and stare out the window and think and worry but fuck that we don’t do that anymore. I had a word and pushed through my anxiety and lazy thought s, I’ve now got some shopping and I’m sat happily in a nice park ,I do this often but with spirits cannibis and a place no one can see me if I pass out (basically in hedges) wtf . Almost one week on i have no drugs in my pocket no Alcohol on the grass and the peace of mind to sit here and enjoy the day for what it is .I’m feeling very grateful to my higher power right now and that I can listen to him


Alcohol withdrawal can be frightening and very hard on the system. Funny, though, when I recall my attitude toward withdrawal, that it was “just the cost of doing business”! But it’s been a very long time since I went through it last, and I intend to keep putting days between me and that last set of withdrawals.

Things will continue to get better for you, sleep, digestion, calmness, clearer thinking etc. Hang in there, and now you can start growing your sobriety!


This is absolutely incredible! I hope YOU feel so proud of yourself right now. YOU see how YOU swiched up the day? YOU did that. Imagine what else YOU can achieve :sparkles: Blessings for your journey and happy healing. Im so proud of YOU!


Aww thanks @G.6 I am finding new strengths and belief in my own capabilities with every right move I’m making this week :metal:

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I am so glad you are aware of your strengths and capabilities :pray: absolutely smashing it. Its very inspiring to watch your journey unfold. I believe in you keep up all your hard work

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Good stuff love Somerset Cornwall Devon long drive from Scotland but worth it wish you well

We both live in beautiful ends of the uk :blush:

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