Hey everyone, I’ve never done anything like this before so brand new to looking for support and a group. Recently relapsed after almost 7 years on opiates. I got clean but the last year I relapsed and got out of control quick. I don’t have support like I did 7 years ago and what I’ve been doing hasn’t been working so trying something new. I just started outpatient today for first time willingly. Any advice, tips, support etc welcome since I’m only about 24 hours since my last time using. DOC 7 years ago was heroin, I slipped up the last year by sniffing the real blue 30s but eventually started knowingly doing the pressed fake ones a few months ago.
Welcome Tommy
Glad you found us. This has been a great forum for me to get and give support. Being active on here has been crucial to my sobriety.
Have a good read around. There’s lots of great info and great people here all of us just trying not to pick up that first drink or DOC.
YAYYY!! You are awesome!! I did an intense outpatient 1 year and 8 months ago …. It was smart recovery. And 3 hours of group therapy every weekday. For 8 years a roller coaster of various clean times . I had only done NA and a group here a group there. …. For the first time EVeR I am 1 year and 8 months sober and I haven’t had a urge or craving in 1 year and 3 months !!! Amazing . The work they had us do , it re wires our addict brain . Our irrational thoughts of I can never stay sober , to question that thought and then come up with rational thoughts . Like I can stay sober for the rest of my life because I have the tools bows. I have coping skills that I didn’t even know about !! I can get through my urges . They are only 4 seconds . I can’t use datraction and put on lil Wayne and spit every word to 6 foot 7 fooot …. Thst urge is gone . It’s so gone , forgotten ! And I’m in a better mood! And , you reach out! They say active addiction is isolation and Reovery is the opposite . Socialization . With other addicts who are sober . Omg the best is someone who has been longer than you. Cuz good god in the beginning f we are just so delicate. And emotions be like a pin ball machine ! And that is the best advice I can give you . Listen and. Learn from the others . And don’t get sucked into the bullshit. We say . “ take what you need, and leave the rest “. And this one. “ this is your program . So make it your program. But most of all …. Make your program work for you!!! “. You sound the best way to be to go into this . Don’t have expectations . That’s how I was . And …. I never thought i could say this . They tell us in 12 step we are addicts. We could be sober for 59 years for the rest of forever but still be an addict and that we can never say for sure that we will never use again because we are addicts and we always might …. That’s fucked up!!!
I know I will never use again because of the cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy and the groups and advocacy , and these people told me I can do amazing things! Because I am in recovery , And it is amazing . They taught me how to get th rouuh the guilt and shame and forgive myself and love myself . It takes time. But way less than I thought it would Good luck! And I would love to stay posted on how it goes !!! You got this . And a big team in your corner
Welcome. This place helps
Welcome to the community Tommy. Great job on starting your path to sobriety. I do hope the outpatient helps and i’m sure you will gain many tools from attending.
I feel very connected to my friends i’ve made on this forum. SO many people dealing with similar struggles and living life on life’s terms. The support and love here is unmatched IMO.
I would surround myself with support (via family members, friends and / or meetings, recovery groups). Also find ways to keep yourself busy so you don’t have idle time to think about your DOC. Make sure to have a clean home environment and make it hard for yourself to get your hands on your DOC.
We are here cheering you on - great job on day day 1
Welcome to the forum. You will find a lot of good advice applicable to you on a variety of posts in this forum. Being active on this, or another, sobriety forum can be useful for keeping focus and feeling connected and supported.
Welcome to the club @Tommy613
Stick with us and talk it out.
You aren’t alone … we are all here rooting for ya
Thank you everyone for the encouragement and support. The first few days haven’t been going the greatest. I have a lot of recent emotions and trauma that I’m trying to work through while staying sober and it hasn’t been easy. Being betrayed, lied to, an cheated on by someone I gave everything to and put myself into a financial hard time and neglected my own mental health for years to try to help her and in the process, my mental health is worse than ever. About a month ago, my whole life got flipped upside down in the matter of a few days and i feel lost on where to start and confused as to how making a support system. Does anyone have any advice or stories they wouldn’t mind sharing about how you got through your first week or 30 days being sober? What did you do when your cravings were so strong even after hours of fighting the urge it is still there. Any advice or insights how to get past this first 7 days, all comments are welcome and appreciated. Thank you!