New Here! 3 Days Sober Finally

I’m Amanda :slight_smile: Just got out of medical detox at the hospital after checking myself in to the ER. I’ve been a 1/5th a day kinda drinker since the pandemic started and wasn’t sober even one day since (vodka was my poison). Officially 3 days today :slight_smile: Things are hard but I’m ready for this new path of sobriety!


Welcome to this fabulous sober community Amanda. Congratulations on your 3 days.
Have a good read around and join in when you’re comfortable. Lights are always on here.


Welcome Amanda!!! 3 days is amazing, you got this! Stay safe and stay sober 🫶🏽


Welcome and congratulations on 3 days. This is a very supportive and loving community. There’s a lot to check out. Take your time and look around. Share if you like when you like. No judgements here just like minded souls offering help. Keep up the good work.


Welcome Amanda! :blush:

I found stopping drinking was the easy part. Staying stopped is much harder for me. I can easily forget where I came from so I work the AA program to keep it fresh in my mind. I started going to meetings for my drinking but I stay for my thinking. Helping other alcoholics has helped me to stay sober for 4+ years.

Wishing you the best on your journey!


Welcome to the beginning of a life filled with bright possibilities. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. I hope this forum can be useful to you as you move toward long-term success.


Welcome welcome! We’re here for you and look forward to sharing our experiences! Enjoy!


Welcome, Amanda. Getting started in sobriety is hard work for tough people. Fortunately, alcoholics, at least drunks like me, have a long training in tough circumstances.

Here’s a popular topic to get you started with ideas for growing your sobriety.


So glad you’re here, Amanda! I’m powerless over that shit too. Luckily, we don’t ever have/need to drink booze again!
Living life differently is tough in the beginning but for me it has gotten easier over time and primarily due to being with sober people, this place and a good amount of AA. Hugs and welcome back to sanity land!