New here and starting over

New here on my second day sober. I’m a binge drinker and have been trying to get sober for awhile. Feeling pretty defeated right now. Had an embarrassing relapse and starting over


Welcome. Do you have a plan to remain sober?

Yes, I am wanting to stay sober. I go to online meetings, but not sure what else to do


12 step programs could help. Plans work if you work them. Read as much as you can here and find topics where you find connection. Great folks here.



Welcome back!, yes you can do it I’m also Day 3.
This time i have plan for me to stay sober, Im attending online AA meetings.
Making 100 day challenge and also avoiding places and peoples with alcohol.

Can you explain how your relapse happened?


That sounds like a good plan! I think I need to do something like that too. I go to a lot of online meetings, but I want to try some local in-person meetings.
I got drunk at my friends Airbnb and then got sick and left her to clean up because I was so out of it. Just really embarrassing since I’m in my late thirties. I’m tired of doing things like this at this age.


I started my sober journey in my late thirties as well. It’s one of the best choices I’ve ever made. Keep checking in with sober people and have a plan for situations when cravings hit. Hiking, early bedtime, reading lots and lots about the disease and crying it out really helped me get over the first few bumps on the road. You got this :orange_heart:


Hi Monica welcome :raising_hand_woman:
Take you’re time to settle in here a bit. This forum is a great place to be, but can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. So if you have any questions just ask!
I’m here for a long time. This app helped me a lot in getting and staying sober. I’s such a relief to be among people who understand addiction.
I sure learned a lot about mine :blush:
My addiction is alcohol too, but I was a daily at home drinker. It was difficult to change my habits but with the “tools” I’ve learn’t here I found a way.
I wish you the same Monica. So I hope to see you around here often so we can be sober together and have a nice chat about it.
See you!!


@MoKK welcome :purple_heart:
I’m also binge drinker and about your age. My latest failed try on moderation was about a month ago. You are not alone in this.
I’m looking forward your posts in here.


Welcome…anytime you want to drink, think about the embarrassing relapse. Good luck to you! Get up, stand proud, dust off, and start over! What’s important is that we try again! You got this!


Welcome, wishing you all the best for your recovery

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He there! Also you can try morning running at nature. It feels just so good!:sparkles::massage_man:t2:

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I really appreciate that! It helps me not feel so alone. I really want to make lasting changes. I see how my addiction has had such a negative impact on my life

That’s a good idea! I can use this relapse as motivation to stay sober

Thank you so much! I’m really touched at the support I’ve received in this group so far. I’m glad I found it and am able to connect with people who understand


How are you doing