New here having a rough time

Just thought I’d say hello. Today is day 1 for me. I’ve been a acholhic for a few years now and have struggled trying to stay sober. Im so angry with myself that I fail beating this. I came across this app and thought I’d give it a try.


Welcome! It is a good app if you use it, just read the stories and get some motivation going! A lot of helpful people in here and there are Zoom meetings 2x a week if interested.

Good luck with your journey!


Welcome to this group! I’m newer in recovery too and this is an amazing app. Love the people here and how supportive and non judgemental they are! Hope u stick around :slight_smile:


Hey Shell! It’s an app that has genuinely allowed me to stay on a path to recovery for far longer than I was ever able to in the past. When you feel like drinking, jump on here and ask for support and help and people will share their stories about how much better not drinking is :blush:


Welcome!!! There is so much to read here to get you started!! I spent a lot of time on here in early sobriety and it helped me so much. :heart:


Hello and welcome 🙋
This app is a great app if…you use it!
So be here as often as you can!
I’m almost 2 years sober now with the help of this app. First year I was here every day to check in sober. I read a lot about my addiction and the tips in how to stay sober. There’s loads of good info here and there’s always someone to talk to.
So when you have cravings? Come here to vent ore ask for help!

See you around!


I can say that I am literally in the same boat. Today is day 1 for me as well. We’re gonna do it :slight_smile: we’ll both make it, for sure!


Welcome @Shell77
I still consider myself to be a newby.
My first day here was Jan 2 2020. I picked a great year to seriously start my sobriety :scream: and I’m so glad I did. After 45 long years of being a functioning alcoholic I finally got tired of the merry go round. Turned 60 this year and fat drunk and hungover is no way to enter my bronze years. There’s a lot of great topics and lots of people to help you out when in need and some fun stuff too. I find the daily gratitude list to be of much help. I never miss a day on it. So grateful for sobriety. One day at a time and we’re all worth it. None of us set out to be addicts.


Welcome. This is my third time trying to quit drinking. I’m on day 2 myself. I wish you all the strength you need to beat this.


Welcome! I hope you find what you need here. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m a little late to the welcome party, but welcome! This is an amazing forum with an incredible group of people. I couldn’t have started my journey into sobriety or stayed sober without the support here.


Hello shell and a warm welcome your in the right place to start your journey Al maybe call local drs they can put you in contact with local services near to you.


Welcome! Im new here too! Round 3 of trying to stop drinking! I binge drink and have blackouts and hurt the people i love the most :frowning: I think loosing my bf is my rock bottom right now and looking in the mirror isnt who i want to be! Stay strong :heart:


Hi and welcome! You found a good place here with caring people. If you ever want to scream into the void, do it here. Someone will always be around to listen.


Hi! I’m new here too. I’m on Day 3 after having to reset my 6 months. I’m going to learn my lesson this time!! Hugs! We’ve got this!!


how are you doing? First day for me too. I’ve been on amd off the vagon…
Im determined this time though. I love the app, I’m sure it will help us.

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