New here, hi!

It’s crazy what life can do to you. In 2019 I was 8 months pregnant with my third child when their Dad confessed to an H addiction. My world crumbled, he went straight to rehab and those first couple months were traumatic but he has been clean 2 and a half years. My issue is after our son was born I craved a drink. Which is CRAZY because when I first became a mom in 2014 I stopped drinking, I just didnt have to desire too. I was a mom now… well I had that drink and now 2.5 years later it has escalated into my own addiction… how insane that I went to bat, to war, walked through the fire for someone I loved who was struggling with addiction and now I find myself in the same spot… trauma! Can I get a HELL YEA! :woman_facepalming: Anyways, I have 2 days sober. Some things have happened recently that made me finally say no more… but is it really that easy? I am not sure yet… all I know is if I keep going down that dark road everything I have accomplished will go down the drain and those babies… my babies need me. So with that novel being finished… I’m hoping to find some friends on here to talk with when need be and vice versa.

“Nothing changes if nothing changes.”


Welcome Sarah!
Congrats on 2 days sober! I am coming up tonight on day 3 clean myself :slight_smile: I can tell by ur post that you definitely know where alcoholism will take you. I have struggled quite a long time with addiction myself and my rock bottoms in the past got worse n worse. Even my accidental overdose which I survived wasn’t enough to keep me clean for good. I have done alot of work on myself since mt last rock bottom tho and have quit a variety of drugs. Things in my life have gotten better but I also got caught up still with my DOC and honestly I don’t want to hit another rock bottom. I’m quitting drugs for good bcuz its not who I am. It’s not what I want for myself and I don’t want to lose everything again and have to start over. We dint need to hit a rock bottom to change. My rock bottoms in my past were severe but months down the road, I was using again and forgot about the pain drugs caused. This time around I am doing things differently. The inner work and keeping an open mind and reaching out to my Higher Power on the daily. And it’s helping. Literally taking it 24 hours at a time. Reaching out for help and staying connected to this forum and mtgs. Doing the next right action each day. Glad u posted and I hope u stick around! Hugs!


Welcome! This community has helped me so much. Really awesome people here, and everyone is pulling for you! You got this! :gift_heart:


Check out the Welcome thread and resources for sobriety you find there. Lot of good stuff.
Welcome to the forum! 2022:


Welcome!!! You have found a wonderful place that has helped many of us. Read up on the post’s you find applicable, and you will soon feel at home with a lot of new friends. I wish you the best on your sober journey!!!

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There are friends here, no doubt. All this journey takes is the desire to stop using/drinking. Welcome Sarah and so glad you’re here!

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I have 3 boys almost 3, 5, 11. And I’ve only quit 16 days but I have more energy and life is alot better. I dont want to waste anymore time and feeling like shit. Alcohol stole alot of time that ill never get back. I hope the best for you. And don’t let this poison shit take away your time with your kids. And most importantly yourself.


Welcome to the family Sarah, it’s great to meet you and I look forward to seeing you around :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Welcome Sarah! I’ve just woken to day 5 with the best sleep I’ve had in so long! You’ve got this girl. And by reading your own words, you’re a strong lassie too!
You’re in good company here, I pop in daily and it’s been a great mental support to me on the beginning of my journey

I wish you the very best on your new path :pray::partying_face:


Welcome. The first step is truly accepting that you can no longer drink. That it is truly more trouble than it is worth. Once you have done that, u are well on ur way. Have u read any books about quitting? I read many in the early days, to cement my decision.

Lots of friends on a daily check-in thread.
Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

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Thank you so much! Proud of you for taking the steps to do what’s best for you! :heart:

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Thank you so much! It’s only day 3 and I’m already feeling more, alert. I am anxious to see how I feel in a week or a month. As i write this all three babies are curled up with me watching a movie. I’m doing this for me, but in the end it’s so much for them as well. best of luck to you!!! I’m glad I’m here.

Thank you so much. I’m on the right path I think but will continue to fight for myself and my healing.

I did a lot of research when I dealt with my husbands H addiction a few years ago. So I think I’m well versed in addiction plus I’ve dealt with it around me my whole life. But if you have any recommendations to books or even podcasts etc that would be amazing!! With the kids and homeschooling it’s hard to find my own time to sit and read a physical book. Thank you again@

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It can be that easy, but the hard part is keeping it going, if that’s your goal. Welcome and Good Luck.

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Welcome! Great commUNITY here. Def helped me on my journey. Hope you have a great day.

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Girl congrats on taking the first step on starting your journey on getting clean it’s gonna be rough bumpy ur gonna have good days and bad ones but just remember if you are just sober for today don’t worry about tomorrow rake it day by day you will get threw it if you want it and you desire to be clean and live a full health life then you will be okay but just know I’m proud of you for taking the steps you have to start your journey just be patient and things will slowly start to come together and you will notice it changing and that will push you to work even harder

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Books I liked ‘This Naked Mind’ and ‘Drink’. TNM is more about how to quit, and Drink is a memoir and study of female drinkers. I think TNM has an audio version.


Thank you!! I’ll check them out!

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