New here just sharing my story

Hey everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself, share a little on my story and hopefully gain some guidance and support.

I’ve been sober now from alcohol, drugs, and nicotine for 135 days! I feel extremely proud and grateful to be here. I made a lot of poor decisions and I’m surprised I’m alive and never got a DUI or arrested.

What brought me here to find this app and community is my addiction to porn. I’ve known for a long time just never wanted to admit it was a problem. Getting sober from drugs and alcohol felt great, until I found myself feeling alone as most people want to drink all the time. Loneliness made my addiction to pornography worse. Today is day 3, small win, but still a win!

I hope to be active on here, learn new tools, make new friends, and live a new life! Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!


Welcome to the TS Family @Brett90

There are many threads relevant to your struggle. You can use the magnifying glass to find them.

Thanks for being vulnerable with us.


Thank you! I’ll be going through a lot of those threads as the days go on.


Welcome Brett,

You are in the right place and congratulations on Day 3. Every 24 hours is a HUGE win. Check in every day, let us know when you are struggling. The lovely people here are so full of sound advice and understand what you are going through.

Best wishes on your road to recovery.


Thank you! I appreciate the support. From what I’ve seen by exploring threads. This is a very supportive community full of great advice. I will definitely be leaning on the people here when I’m struggling!


Welcome and congratulations on your 135 days in one area and 3 days in the other! I hope you will find this forum to be useful for you. Jump in to any thread that catches your eye. Hope to see you around.

I really appreciate that! Thank you! I’m excited to be here and can already feel the support. I hope to see you around as well!

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Hello Brett,

Congrats on both milestones. I am starting day 1 of trying to break my addiction to porn and rebuild my life. Be a better father, hopefully husband and friend.

Happy to chat anytime.

All the best.



Thank you my friend! I really appreciate the support! Congratulations on day 1 no better time to start then right now! Stay strong and feel free to reach out if you need anything. I believe this community is going to help a ton.

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Welcome to the forum Brett! Glad ur with us! Hope this forum is as helpful to u, as it has been for me :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I’m happy to be here and hope this forum helps me too!

Made it one week! I can’t name the last time I went a week without watching porn. Small win, but I’m extremely grateful for this small win!