New Here, Looking for Suggestions

New here. On day 3 after a small reset. Still try to figure out this app! But my question is do others have trouble falling asleep w/o alcohol? Suggestions?


I cant sleep without Tylenol PM.

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Hi! I had a lot of trouble sleeping in the first 2 weeks of sobriety and had to talk to my GP about it. I was given Valium for the withdrawal from alcohol for one week to help with the DTs. Then after a week I began taking Melatonin 2mg and two Magnesium tabs to help me sleep which helped alot. I also find a short meditation before bed helps me to unwind and quieten those racing thoughts. Talk to your GP if you are struggling because quality sleep is essential in your sobriety journey. ODAAT my friend.

Ree :heart:


Keep in mind the sleep you do get after drinking is absolute rubbish. Sleep gets so much better in sobriety.


I do have issues with sleep. Since i got clean i have strange or upsetting dreams every night. If it wasnt for meds that make me groggy, i would struggle to fall asleep also :frowning: i never used to dream when I used. I thought that was my natural way of sleeping bcuz i havent been known to dream since i was a youth. But then again i started using drugs as a youth so maybe thay effected my dreaming all these years. Idk.


Congratulations on your 3 days.
Yes sleeping in the first week was for me either sleeping too much or not being able.
Iv always had sleeping problems but since quitting and giving my brain time to stat balancing back out it is much better.

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It gets better. When I was sober for 6 months maybe a year and half ago I slept great didn’t even have headaches hate the fact I found myself back to alcohol. Just push through it most say Tylenol PM, maybe try that. Or sleepy time tea, lavender spray or nice hot bath before bed.

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I spent decades as an insomniac, even when drinking…unless I blacked out…which I did, lots. I also had a long term Ambien addiction (it is evil). Anyway…restful restorative sleep was still elusive for a very long time after getting sober.

I did all the right things sleep hygiene wise. But I was so addicted to being ‘an insomniac’ that I always looked for a pill or drink or xyz. I finally had enough of being obsessed with not sleeping restfully and just stopped trying to ‘figure it out’ (it started reminding me of how I tried to figure out for years ‘how to drink moderately’).

I take a warm shower b4 bed now and keep my room cool and dark. I go to bed a little later than I used to. Many nights I meditate a bit in bed and do a bit of yin yoga (especially if I ran that day), some nights I don’t…either way is good. No pills or concoctions for me anymore.

I sleep really well and wake up around 7am. Some nights my mind chatters mid way…so I do mindful breathing.

I am grateful to have found some sleep freedom after so long.

Quieting the body and mind helps me. Maybe it might help you as well. :heart:

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