New here, really struggling

Hi, I am new here, still trying to figure out how this works, But anyway, first post, I am alcohol dependant, been drinking since I was 16, so, yesterday I decided to go cold turkey and quit drinking with the help of diazepam, but today, is becoming a real struggle, it’s been 17 hours, 36 minutes and 24 seconds since I last had my last drink, I cant go back to starting drinking again as its messing with my mental health as it do, I’m gonna keep pushing myself and not give in



Welcome! Congratulations on making a great choice for yourself. Reaching out here was a great choice, too. This forum and the connections I have made here have been tremendously helpful, and I hope it can do the same for you.
I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling - the beginning can be particularly tough! Is there anything you can do to take your mind off drinking? I found a long walk outside or some other physical activity to always be helpful in easing the mind. Or maybe reaching out to a friend, playing with a pet, etc.

Take care


Reading books such as “The Naked Mind” or “Alcohol Explained” helped me a lot when I started. Read them both and then read them again! I also did eventually get a counselor on Better help. In my moments where I’m most struggling, reaching out to my counselor for guidance has helped a lot!

And if possible, joining a gym helps me when I’m feeling frustrated, angry or anxious. I am also going to start doing daily meditation. I’m just doing anything besides drinking!


Welcome! Congrats on taking the first stepnand reaching out.

Not going to lie, the first few days can be hell (especially if youre hungover/coming down)

I encourage you to read through all these forums and look for the many reasons people chose to get and stay Sober.

You are not alone and it is possible for you to do this.

My DMs are open of you need to talk.


Welcome to the forum. The first week is rough but it does get better. I quit cold turkey drinking 8 16 oz everyday. It’s rough but you got this the best decision you have made is to quit that poison. Good luck

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hello and welcome, well you already know you don’t want to go back and what the consequences are so take every minute as it comes, get in touch with us if it gets too hard and know there are no short cuts to sobriety, we all know how it feels and you are never alone. Wishing you well on your sober journey. This is the beginning of something special. :v:


Welcome newby, from a fellow first dayer…

I have already found so much support from this forum… I have probably spent far too much of my day reading others posts, but personally, I find reading about, talking about, even thinking about the issue and what I am doing, is driving me on. We all deal with things differently. I truly believe we can do this. Keep strong. Tx


the ones that read succeed. This community is a great distraction and has everything from a heart felt suggestion to @050Nl sticking oranges on his head. What more could you possibly want.


Welcome to this wonderful community! Congrats on making the best decision of your life. I know it’s really hard in the beginning but tough it out. Once you get through the worst of it, you’ll never have to feel this way again.


Welcome! This is a great place for support and information. Utilize the resources here and trust in yourself. You can do this.

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I feel obligated to tag @siand here for obvious reasons. :upside_down_face:

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Especially in the early days you are free to spend all day here if you want. If it keeps you sober, that’s all that matters. (Seriously.) I had one day I spent the entire day here checking in every 5 minutes! :joy: But it worked :+1: Stay strong sister, and never give up.

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Welcome to you both @SianC and @Tara99. This place has been a huge center of support and wisdom for me in my sober journey. Everyone here knows the pit of despair known as addiction. The know how and compassion found on here is second to none. My last day one was 879 days ago at this point…and please believe me when I tell you that you NEVER have to have a day one ever again. It’s such a wild thought to me now as hangovers from benders were a daily occurrence for years. It took a while to get myself dug up out of the hole I was in, but that last time that I woke up, shaking, dehydrating, puking, sweating and nauseous was one of the greatest days of my life. It was the day I decided that I wanted something different for myself. It’s the day I came HERE. Sending you love and strength from NJ :heart:


Welcome @SianC
Congratulations on your first day of sobriety!!!
You’ve found a great group of people that are working for a life beyond our DOC. Read the various posts, but there is one main thread that folks check-in on daily.
Good Luck!!!:four_leaf_clover: :shamrock::shamrock::shamrock:

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Haha thanks James. Hi @SianC :laughing: :raising_hand_woman:

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