New here recovering from xanax abuse

Hey y all my name is Ashley and I’m 30 years old. I’m 229 days sober from xanax but everyday is still a struggle since I have ptsd and anxiety disorders. I am so blessed though for being clean this long! I’d love you get to know yall!!!


Hi pal and welcome!! This place is amazing to help with our daily struggles. As far a Xanax abuse, you may be able to find others post about it using the Search bar at top of screen… I saw your other post asking😉
Again, I’m glad you joined us!


Thanks Gabe for the advice!!!

Same here we should talk I can definitely relate

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Anytime!! Nice to meet ya!

Hi Ashley. Used to use xanax to get to sleep after bingeing. Getting off xanax was rough. If your experience was like mine,all I have to do is remember the withdraw period, I’d never want to go through that again. You can read alot on here about meditation and natural alternatives.You’ve come a long way,stay strong.

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Thanks Marcus!!!

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While I didn’t use just xanax, I can relate! I used a steady combo xanax, methadone, flexarile, ketamine. I would drink and drink and drink, take the combo, stay up for days and keep drinking. I’m so happy that you are almost a year clean! Good job! I am well over 1100 days myself. I know detoxing and dealing with side effects can be a nightmare! I had side effects for a long time after quitting. So if you ever need some advice or someone to talk to about it, we are all here!

Coming off xanax is probably the hardest thing for me. I have been sober from alcohol for 30 days, tried stopping xanax when I found out I was pregnant, but I was already going through withdrawals from my antidepressant. I was prescribed 1mg 3x a day as needed and was taking it about 1 or twice a day. I lasted about 3 days quitting xanax cold turkey before I gave in and took .5mg then went two days wo it before my dr told me I HAD to stop taking it and then ended up taking another .5mg and then lasted another day until today where I took another .5mg. And honestly I feel soo much better after taking it but also extremely guilty bc I have no idea what kind of effect it could have on the baby. But the withdrawals from xanax and the anxiety and the emotional craziness it just too much to take at this moment. I don’t know how anyone comes off of this medication.


Don’t beat yourself up. You are doing amazingly well! No, almost no one can quit cold turkey. When you’re coming off it they somtimes give you small and controled doses. Keep checking in with your doctor! As for your child, keep checking in with your doctor and things should be smooth sailing! Congrats on all your progress! Keep it up!

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I used to snort Xanax and Valium when I was drinking, when I was sober I’d sometimes take 3-5 a day, until I fell asleep basically. I’ve been sober from alcohol over 200 days and xanax/Valium about 100.

I still think about it almost everyday. I’ve had to make a lot of life changes since I can’t turn to it when I’m having a hard time with my anxiety/PTSD but I feel so much better when I look at the big picture.

Stay strong, I’m always here to chat if you ever need to. I know it’s hard.


When my doctor became my drug dealer it was a wrap I was going xans all day long and adderal just to stay awake I lost years of my life now I look at the ppl I was doing it with and oh boy I must have been a mess went to conifer park in Albany ny and ended my 5 year stint I threw in the towel I’m done :white_check_mark: we get to live two lives and when ppl say high on life I’m high on life I really can’t take in everyone giving me compliments I think it’s guilt

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I’m brand new to this site… I have struggled with a wholehearted love and dependency for xanax over the past four years. The only time I was clean was a couple years ago after I had seizured from withdrawals. It was so so scary that I quit cold turkey. Months later I relapsed and now here I am… i need a support group for this. I am about four days clean right now and I want to keep going more than anything. I am prescribed a small amount because a doctor is trying to take me off slowly and safely. They’re sitting in my backpack and I’m doing everything in my power not to give in every single night. I hope reading about others with the same struggle can help me. I love xanax so much and lately I’m just avoiding going out with friends so that I can stay anxiety free and clean from this pill, even if it means I have to be a hermit for a little while. :frowning:

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