New here, say hi

Hello Everyone. I’m new to the app and hoping to meet and speak with other individuals who are on the same sober journey.


Welcome! This is a great place to be. Lots of wonderful caring folk. Check out posts and reach out anytime.


Thank you for the warm welcome! I really am excited about using this app.


Welcom Esteban :raising_hand_woman:
This forum is really huge, so you will meet a lot of us :sunglasses:
I’m sober for a long time now with the help of this app and I wish the same outcome for you.
Take the time to read around, there is a lot of info to find here about how to deal with addiction. We tent to put a lot of time in our drinking, I know I did. Now I put those time in my recovery, much better :upside_down_face:

If you have any questions, just ask!
See you around!

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Good to have you here, keep us up to date on your recovery and help a few others along the way.

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Welcome friend :slightly_smiling_face:. This app can give you lots of tools and like minded friendships. Reach out any time. Best wishes to you on your journey.

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Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

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Welcome @Bonbon :sunflower:

Here’s my favourite linklist of threads to check out. Very helpful, not only in early recovery. Check it out if you like :blush: Where to go to from here? - #8 by erntedank