New here. Today is day 1!

Hi! I’m new here, but not really. I’ve been on and off for months.

I’ve downloaded the Sober Time app dozens of times only to delete it after a few days. I’m finally committed to a true sobriety journey. I’ve struggled with alcohol for close to 15 years (heavy drinking). I can make it a few days and jump back in.

It’s time for a change. Why not use the first day of the second half of the year to start that change? I’m 18 hours sober and ready to get this poison out of my body. I’m so fortunate to have not destroyed my liver. Last year I got a fibroscan and some enhanced liver score test. Both normal, which is miraculous. My ALT/AST are high, but that could be attributable to poor diet as well as the booze.

I’m also back on Naltrexone, which I’ve found to work really well if you let it. Last time, I gradually re-introduced alcohol, didn’t have any other support mechanisms, so no wonder it didn’t work as effectively.

Day 1 is better than 0, right?

Looking forward to learning from, and contributing to, this amazing community.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:
Nice to have you with us.

Many of us check here daily

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Day 1 is FAN-FREAKIN’-TASTIC! Welcome back. Hang in there, be kind to yourself. You deserve it.

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Welcome James!

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Welcome. This could be your last day 1 ever. Everyone starts at the same place.
This community helped me. Commit to checking in everyday, read heaps.
Find a strategy that works for you when those cravings hit, initially it may just take some mental willpower to muscle on through, but the cravings will lessen.
We’ve got this, stack days one at a time

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Welcome James. How you doing on day 2? Stay strong. Life will be so much better sober!

Welcome to the Community :muscle:

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We’re all here for the same reason
Remember its a illness we have
Stay positive my friend

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Thank you all. Day 3 was tough but I’m going to make it! It’s about at day 3 where I start to feel better and recognize that my body and mind are creeping back to normal. I then think, see, I made it three days. No problem here. Rinse and repeat for 15 years. But not tonight! Keeping busy! Staying sober.



Keep. Coming. Back.

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