New here trying to figure out how it works

Been on heroin for 10 yrs. Iv. Been to a few rehabs and prison twice

I’m 6 months preg so it’s over. Should of been long time ago. I had a good life growing up until I was raped n beating at 12…which is when everything went down hill from one drug to another. Then raped again at 16. I’ve had close love one die that has destroyed me. I’m a cutter when I’m clean just for the release. Never od thank God. Switching to subs now so I hope this works and I can take my baby home.


Hi! Congratulations on sobriety and thanks for posting. In terms of discovering how this works you seem to have it … You can read other posts or put your own posts up and can expect support from this community. I’ve found it to be really helpful.

Your post was so honest, thanks again for posting it. Have you shared your story before? Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope you are feeling healthy.

We do not share the same addiction but I am sure those who do will comment their own support. For me, you will want to look at addressing the cutting also as a dangerous habit. You have a lot of known risk factors for suicide (I say it as someone who has been there and also lost my best friend to it) so I would encourage you to seek additional support for this and/or your sobriety.

Stay strong my friend. Keep posting and best of luck with everything :blue_heart:


Welcome Logan! May you find peace in your sobriety. You deserve way better than you have been living so far. This community has been a great help to me and I hope it will be for you as well.


Thank You for you honest share. This community has been very supportive since I began my sobriety journey.
You’ve lived through so much, I can’t imagine.
Keep checking in daily, it’s very helpful.
You’ve got this!!

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Thanks it’s been a long road in and out of prisons and stuff. But it’s a struggle. Something I have to do not just for mt baby but me as well. I’ve never been suicidal I just am a cutter but yea I’m getting mental help as well. Thankyou for the support.


Hi Logan! I am an ex heroin user as well. I used for 11 years and I am now 27… I have been to treatment multiple times and I have overdosed 3 times. I am here to say recovery is possible. I am really sorry to hear about the trauma you endured at such a young age that led you to your addiction. I have been through some similar situations at the age of 14 so you are not alone. I am glad you are here and welcome! There are a lot of really helpful supportive people here if you stick around. I hope that helps.


Thank you for your share. you are not alone and there are people in this community to support you through this process. I decided to make this a “no” vember and work one learning to say no. It has already proved challenging in so many ways and it is only a few days into the month!

You are amazing. You are worthy. You will be triumphant.