New life is coming🤞

Hi everyone I am new here!
I am 20 and I have a problem with alcohol now for about a year and that has affected my family and friends but… This year I was admitted to great university and It scares me that I can screw everything because its a great opportunity!! So now Im on my second sober day and today I’ve been using this app, its already feeling difficult and Im not sure I can do this but read how people with your same problem have made huge steps helps a lot.

You guys are awesome


Welcome Lili! Great first step in coming here. Congratulations on your acceptance to university. Do you know what you want to study? Make a list of all the things you’d like to accomplish. It helps to keep sober goals in mind.


Hi there, Lili! It’s fantastic that you are recognizing your drinking as a problem at such a young age and before it does irreparable damage to your life. This forum is s great source of support. I’m really glad you are here; let us know how you are doing, okay?


Thank you for the advice, Im going to do it.
Im going to study astronomy!:star2:


Lili! Welcome to the forums.

Yes, recognizing and being self aware of alcohol is a huge step! Society in general glamorizes alcohol, and then society frowns on the adverse effects, talk about being hypocritical!!! One example I use for myself, I’m allergic to penicillin. 90% of the human population can use this drug to heal, but me… not so much it will literally kill me. I just happen to be the %10 that alcohol will kill too, if I consume it.

To truly arise to your potential in Academics, it’s awesome you see that alcohol usage will negatively effect that and your life in general.

There is so much experience and educational knowledge in this forum about alcohol, it is somewhat mind-numbing to truly grasp the assets at your finger tips.

I hope you have a smooth journey to achieving sobriety!


Welcome Lili. Please don’t give up. Here you will find motivation and good friends. Praying for you and courage my friend!!!

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