New sobriety and relearning to live

It sucks being angry. I hate that feeling. Are you angry about anything specific or just frustrated at life in general?

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Something specific :smirk:

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Ah. Those are the worst. It’s like a pink elephant you’re trying to ignore. Hey, don’t look at the pink elephant!

If you want to vent here I’m listening; or if a message would help that’s ok. Either way - your feelings are valid and real and ok. You can see them and feel them but they are not in control; they’re like waves on your ocean and when the storm passes, you’re back to a stable sea.

(Edit: I am checking in here between appointments at work so I may not reply immediately :innocent: )


Can you go for a nice long walk to remove yourself from the situation and clear your head? I find places with trees can be particularly calming. Although I also have friends who need to do something to let the rage out… One of my mates swears by sticking some heavy metal on and doing housework aggressively :sweat_smile: I have also heard about going for a run to a quiet/ secluded place and just having a big old yell or scream!

Meditation can be a helpful practice to develop, if you haven’t already but it takes time and regular commitment to get to a place where you can take a pause and let shit go.


I’m at work right now so all I can do is try not to fixate on it


I use “Thankful Three” - or if it’s really tough, the “Gratitude Alphabet” - in these types of situations. Think of three things you’re thankful for. Could be anything: a kind word someone said, a beautiful day, a fun quote or song you heard / read.

If you’re really struggling with anger or resentment, do an alphabet: something you’re grateful for, one thing for each letter of the alphabet:

  • Attention from people on TS
  • Blood, because it keeps me alive
  • Compassion, from people listening to me
  • Dinosaurs, because they are super interesting

(Etc etc)

Gratitude has a powerful impact on anger and resentment. It helps to keep them from taking you over.

You need to take your anger apart when you have a moment, and you may need to call someone and say “when I saw / heard ____, I felt _____” (ignored, unseen, etc etc). Anger is about unmet needs, and if we don’t communicate them in constructive ways, it can fester.


Box breathing can be helpful for some instant calm. Inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4… Or any numbers combo.

What can you do after work that you can look forward to?


Im a rage aholic too use to be so unpredictable that things would get dangerous very quickly when id errupt into an uncontrollable chaotic mess. Just learning that i need to take myself out of certain situations and analyze things when my irrational thinking takes over, has helped me avoid alot of ‘trouble’. Is it really worth my time and effort to feed the commotion in my mind, like dousing a fire with gasoline, i can make matters infinitely worse for myself and others if i listen to the demons inside my head.:japanese_ogre:


Listening to this and going to sleep. Rain has always brought me peace and calm


Love it! I use similar soundscapes from the Insight Timer app. It’s such a peaceful way to rest :innocent:

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Good morning everyone stay blessed :muscle::muscle:


You too Hollz :innocent:


Thank you @Matt
Have I told you yet today how much I appreciate you :slightly_smiling_face:


Not in the last 12 hours, no :innocent: Seriously though, I’m happy to be here with you and I admire your determination. It takes courage and commitment - I look up to you for that.

Thank you. I appreciate you too :innocent:


Well I really do appreciate you @Matt . You have been here for me since the day I started and I have never really had anyone that cared enough to check up on me… so you really do mean a lot to me. I’m honored to have you as a part of my life and journey


Thanks Hollz! :innocent:


A big 30 days :muscle::muscle:


:partying_face: yay Hollz!

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Thank you @Matt :heart::heart:

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Great job Holly, take care of the days and the months will take care of themselves! :grinning::+1: