New to group & Need Relapse Advice/Help ASAP!

eeveryone! I’m currently just joining this group because I need some tips on a recent relapse I just had after 44 days sober. It’s been 2 days ago and I feel like I’m falling back into my old ways again and I absolutely do not want to give up on my sobriety any help/advice on how to restart my sobriety before I get in to I deep. Thank you!


Hi @Brandy_Nichole welcome to the community and sorry to hear you are struggling, but it’s good you’re not letting this slip stop you from trying. Pick yourself up and start moving forward again like you did in those 44 days.

The best advice I can give you is if you avioid the first drink you can’t get drunk as it’s the first drink that leads us to many more. Take it a day, hour or minute at a time if you need to just to get by these early stages and soon you will start to feel better by avoiding the first drink.

If you are serious about recovery, then there are a lot of changes which we need to make, avoiding people, places and things you associate with alcohol is really important in the early stages, it helps avoid those triggers we get and it’s easier if we don’t put temptation in our way.

For me I really had to change my thinking, I had to want sobriety and instead of telling myself “I don’t want to drink” I tell myself “I want to be sober” I found this to be a more positive thought process and tried making other positive changes like this in my thoughts as in my experience there’s a lot of truthin the power of positive thinking.

I’d also recommend seeking the support of a group if you can. I personally went to AA and found it very helpful as I found people who understand my challenges and they have a great way of supporting me, helping me overcome them and feeling better, I found a sponsor and worked the 12 step program and it changed my life.

Be kind to yourself, get plenty of rest and when you’re feeling ready get to work on becoming the new improved you.

Good luck, stay strong and stay sober.


Thank you so much i appreciate your advice and also am proud of you for working for your sobriety…i do attend na-aa meetings about 4-7 nights a wk for the 44 days i was sober but these last 2 days i havent went. I really would like some tips on how to pick yourself back up after a relapse i feel so much guilt and dissapointment since i relapsed that its not even enjoyable the least bit.

Try not to dwell on it, you’re human, you fell but you can either stand up dust yourself off and get back to work or let this set you on a downward spiral.

You know what the right choice is and what the real you wants, you’ll have learned with this slip that drunk just makes you feel shit, the fun is gone with alcohol in our lives,it just leads to feeling crap, guilt, shame, remorse etc.

Get yourself back to a meeting asap and just be honest about your slip and the fact you are struggling and you know yourself if you have been going, people will not judge you, they will understand and they will want to help you, and they can.

It’d also be worthwhile reviewing what led to your slip so you can better prepare yourself for any similar situations in the future.

Best wishes and hugs to you. Take care.


Try not to worry too much about it. That would only lead in the wrong direction!
Get back up and be positive about going forward.
Good luck

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Have you read the doctors opinion in the AA big book? Page XXV to XXXII

If you haven’t I suggest you give it a try. Just google AA Doctors opinion and you’ll get the text if you haven’t got a book.

It gave me a lot of answers as to why I was the way I was, it was these answers that helped me accept my illness fully and start to make the changes required.


Sounds like you’re already picking yourself back up by wanting that sobriety. Now reach out. Make yourself go to a meeting, even if it feels like the hardest thing in the world. You had 44 days and you can do this again.

Hope all is well. Dont be a stranger, say hi!

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When you walk back into an AA meeting after a relapse and announce it, you will not be reviled or shamed. Remember how great you feel after a meeting? Well, that can happen after a meeting where you fess up, too. Blessings on your house :pray:

Lots of wonderful info and wisdom can be found here…

Advice for the Newcomer and Constant Relapser

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