New to sober community

Welcome Lou! Amazing job on 8.5 months!

I’m glad you’ve decided to try something new for yourself. Sober life can be confusing to navigate when you’re doing it alone. I was sober, alone for 5 months, before returning to the forum. I felt like something was missing, but being here now was just what I needed to keep moving forward.

Wonderful to have you aboard. All the best :heart:


Thanks! I’m really feeling that this is what has been needed already. I’m looking forward to checking in regularly/daily with everyone.


Welcome Lou,
I’m glad you found us. I found this app 3 + years ago. First time I ever sought help. I had no idea what to expect either. The love and support here was/is overwhelming. Jazzy already mentioned my 2 favorite threads. Have a good read around and join in when you’re comfortable.
Huge Congratulations on your 8 and a half months sober. That’s HUGE!!
Hope to see you around.



If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask. We were all new once. Someone is always around willing to help.


That’s very appreciated, thank you.


Welcome! Great job on your 8.5 month sober. That’s really fantastic. Keep up the great work and I hope you find this forum to be useful to you in your continued success.


Welcome, great to have you here to share your experience with other hopeless yet hopeful people. It’s easier together :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome Lou! :wave: :innocent: You’re in a good space here, there’s lots going on and lots to share and learn, from recipes / food love (Foodies Unite #7(trigger warning food) GNOC, GNOC, GNOCCHI ON HEAVEN’S DOOR!) to pets (Post photos of your pets #5) to recovery experiences (which are everywhere here).

You belong. You’re a good person and you deserve the chance to learn and grow, same as everyone. When you put in the effort you will see the results! You can do it.


Welcome! Working on yourself alone and getting 8 months sober is incredible! Just look around if there are any threads that soark interest or start your own!


Hi Lou! Congrats on 8.5 months! That’s amazing and so inspiring. I’m Aprille and I’m new here also. I’ll be 1 week sober after tomorrow, after abusing alcohol for 10 years. This community seems like a really helpful resource for support and information.


Seeing that message has lifted me for the whole day! I hope to do the same for yourself and others as time goes on :heart:

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Hi Aprille, and well done on one week! That’s the most difficult time, so im in awe of you for doing it. I struggled massively for the first 2/3 months, so please know that i get at least part of what you’re dealing with and am happy to talk if it ever helps.

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As you can see from all the responses, you are not alone in you search for sobriety and a better life here. We are all looking to escape from some sort of demon and you will find a lot of us here who are alcoholics who can directly relate to so much you are feeling. Here you will find not just find comfort and support but you will also have the chance to help others who need someone in their life desperately at that moment. There have already been multiple times I’ve logged on with the intention of sharing a story or asking for advice, and end up reading something that really touches me and I find meaning in such unexpected ways. I think you will find that others here need you as much as you need them. There is something safe, and beautiful about that.


It sounds like the community that has been missing from too many lives for too long. :heart:


Hiya Lou!

Firstly, welcome to this place!

Secondly…wow! 8 and a half months is simply incredible!! You are smashing it. I’m really new to this so probably can’t offer any sort of advice as you’re miles ahead of me.

Anyway, just thought I’d say Hi to a fellow Brit! X


Nice to meet you @Lou82 :blush:

It takes strength of character to make it so far on your own! I had my last drink 6 weeks ago on Monday, but it took a 13 day medically-supervised, inpatient detox to truly break my vicious cycle of trying and failing to stop or even reduce my drinking. Plus my alcohol abuse had become so extreme that it was not medically safe to just stop without help of medication as an inpatient. Whilst there I witnessed someone having a seizure and it was not very nice to see.

Anyway, congrats on joining the community here - i am still fairly new, but I find that being active in communicating with others and also just reading other posts is positive and helps me to keep things in perspective, I hope you have the same experience :slight_smile:

Keep going, encouragement and blessings from Australia :kangaroo: xo


Congratulations on 8.5 months sober time, awesome work!
Welcome to the community, it is an amazing place full of amazing people and information.


Hey Jimmy, and thanks! You don’t need to have any advice to offer when stopping in, just a hello is more than welcome. Hope your day is bright, the early days don’t have to stay dark. Glad to meet you!

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Thank you so much for saying that. You sound like an absolute warrior so I’ll always be so grateful for any words of wisdom you can share about the journey. Blessings back :pray: :raised_hands:

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@Lou82 “Welcome, welcome, welcome!” (In my best Jon Oliver impersonation)

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