New to the journey

Hey so im new to here, I feel i dont have a mass of support but i felt if i joined like minded folks it’d be easier to stay motivated. :blush: so im nearly a week sober, i know thats not a long time but after a couple instances of me starting fights whilst drunk i felt it wasn’t helping especially with my declining mental health (which im also trying to improve currently with therapy) im nervous to see how i do but excited to do well and improve myself.


Welcome. 1 week is amazing. Good luck on the mental health repair journey. You will find so many folk here who totally understands the mind struggles you face including me. Getting sober I find is a total transformation for mind body and soul. Reach out for help always.


Welcome Hannah! And huge congrats on your sober time! My own experience is that I absolutely needed to be sober for therapy to have an impact on my mental health. And through sober therapy it became so much easier to remain my sobriety. It works both ways. Happy for you for choosing this was and also happy you joined us. Together we’re strong. Welcome again and wishing you all success in your sober journey Hannah. :people_hugging:



I’m new as well. 10 days in and feeling good. I keep a list of my goals to keep me motivated. (I also have a list of things I don’t want to continue) Hope to see you a lot on the boards!!



Oh it is, one day without alcohol or drugs used to feel like an eternity and more often than not it was impossible. Congrats on your one week it does get easier I promise, especially now you’ve got some support. Great sick bunch of people on here :wink:


Hello to you Hannah :wave:t2:
Welcome :hugs:


A week sober is a significant achievement, and every day counts. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. Keep focusing on your well-being and growth, and don’t hesitate to lean on your support network when needed. You’re doing great! We here too support. :pray:t3:


Welcome aboard! A week is a great start, took me a few tries to get that under my belt. Hope you stick around and benefit from the support here :blush:


Hello! Welcome to a wonderful place!:tulip:


Congratulations for the first week, which is the hardest. You will find some of the most amazing people here that will provide you help without asking for anything in return. All the best for your journey