New to this app. sober off cets almost a year, having cravings. Trying hard

I’m new here, been clean off cets now for close to a year. I guess you can say I’m “California sober” (which i know some people dont agree with but it works for me so please dont beat me up about it) I still smoke mary and do sum other things socially but not my drug of choice or anything I have a problem with. Joined because I’ve been having a bit of a hard time with cravings and doubts n heard apps like this can motivate you to see the bigger picture… I guess you could say, stay clean. I did break a promise recently and did a particular harder drug I’ve been struggling with lately, where I moved to its a big thing and I only tried it recently but thought I’d have my grip on it, and I did for a while, until my family collapsed and my grandmother (mama) got sick. A lot of crap happened and I found myself using the “wack drug” to create happiness and replace my crave to numb and relapse with cets… I used to relapse every month pretty much until I moved in with my partner and have been making plans to start a future… My mental health is pretty bad right now and I think thats where the wanting to escape or produce fake happiness comes from lately. Sometimes I ask myself why I’m even sober, but… I know why, I do. Its just getting harder.


There’s some science behind this. Your DOC triggers a dopamine release in your brain. Continued use of other substances mimics this release. It is only natural that you would be having cravings. Also, if you are using drugs other than weed and booze, like the harder drugs you mentioned, you aren’t “Cali sober” either.


I’m not gonna give you any shit about weed, but sometimes it isn’t the best thing for you, if you’re dealing with mental health issues.


I didn’t have a problem with weed, aside from the cost, paranoia and altered mental state it gave me. I quit smoking a week before quitting booze, best move I could make. Saw a therapist, got a sponsor and actually worked through the mental duress instead of covering it up with a quick fix.

Been sober about 1300 days.

If you’re dabbling in “wack” drugs and getting craves after that length of time, I’d recommend a close examination of what weed is doing for/and too you.

Welcome to talking sober, may not always hear what you want, it is however full of people who’ve been through the shit and come out the other side, people who’ve gotten some happiness in their life. Hope you stick around, read, relate, contribute and get to the point where you can help fellow travelers


Bro I’m trying to get to where you are , I’m 6days In off Cets , you can do it , I totally understand where your coming from , but think about life 365 ago :thinking:, ik you don’t wanna go back to that :joy:… I’m getting better by the day , still having hard time sleeping at night , wake up at 4/430ish every morning & can’t get back to sleep :man_facepalming:t4:……. You made it this far , don’t let them demons get you bro :pray:t5::crossed_fingers:t5::muscle:t5::100:

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What are cets?

Short for Lorcet I believe, pain pills.

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Ahh. I was thinking Percocet.

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That would make perfect sense too.

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Thanks man, its the motivation that gets us through. Everyone’s here bashing on my steps to sobriety but I got here n just asked for some extra focus and encouragment. I know that you can do it to bro, tryst me I had a hard time getting to a year. I relapsed every month before I was able to stop and it honestly took me finding something to actually stop for. Even if its yourself, you need a reason. Something you can think about when the cravings set in strong. Stay motivated brother n stay strong through the fight

It is lmao