New to this but 6 days in

I finally feel motivated to stop, but battling with my head …maybe just one before bed etc that would be a fail right? :woman_facepalming:t3:🤷🏻


Hey! Welcome!

That battle happens quite a bit early on. One thing I do is tell my self that I’ll drink tomorrow, if I still want to. Then I go to bed sober and sleep on it. So far, by the time tomorrow comes, I no longer want to drink. If by chance I do want to, I say I will tomorrow… so far, this has worked for over 1,000 days.

Congrats on 6 days! In a bit it’ll be a week eh!?!


Many thanks for your response,I can actually relate to your approach…I know it’s only 6 days but it’s a real achievement for me. Well done on your massive 1000 :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


And yes a week streak!!! Thank you for your support!!


I’m 15 days in and my goal from the start was at least 30 days. I do non alcoholic beers and seltzer water. I’m hoping to continue staying sober long term but I think for me at least it helps to set a realistic goal and go from there. If you feel tempted just remind yourself how you’ll feel tomorrow if you give in. That keeps me motivated. Plus my friends and family are rooting for me and holding me accountable. So definitely tell a few people you’re working on your health so you have some support along the way. Also reading other people’s stories on here help keep your focus on the goal as well :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your response and support…wow your doing great!! I have found reading people’s stories very helpful also. I’m currently going through plenty of water with fresh lemon in and just keeping myself occupied. Just to hit a full week then 10 days and so on is spurring me on … Feeling positive :muscle:t2::blush:


Omg lemon water is my jam and my jelly lol I feel so refreshed and just having a little flavor water curbs my need for alcohol. It seems like you’re excited and motivated so just keep that mindset and pride with what you’re doing for yourself and you’re going to exceed your own expectations and be so happy with yourself! That’s what I tell myself too :wink:


Dont get stuck inside your head reach out and talk to people who going through the same thing your dealing with, take it easy just a step at a time.:grinning::+1:


Hey there stay strong, I know it’s hard but trust me it’s always worth moving into the next day and getting some sleep. You will always make yourself know you made a better decision doing that instead.


Thank you for your support…I can safely say I made it to day 7 :blush::blush:

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Congrarulations with your 1 week sober!! :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:
Just keep doing what you are doing and come here when you have cravings. We are here to help you. You have to do it yourself but you don’t have to do it alone!

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