New User/Former opiate addict

Hello, I am new to this and just wanted to reach out. Im 23 years old and have been on opiates on and off since I was 13. I come from a family of addicts. Im in a good, stable place now with a boyfriend who supports me, but I still get really sad and get bad cravings sometimes. Im now 22 days clean. Any ex opiate users have some advice for what to do when cravings arise? Thank you for all the love.


For me going to AA gave me the hope and working the steps gave me the healing.

Welcome Dionna. For me, it was all about finding things to do when I got cravings. I took a lot of walks, spent a lot of time of this forum and went to meetings. I don’t advise doing this alone. Being with like minded people who understand what you’re going through makes a big difference. We’re all here for you.


I wish I could give advice but I’m still early in recover also, so I would just like to follow this post to get some insight also.