I don’t think anyone who has followed my posts on this forum, including myself, or anyone who knows about my disease in my personal life, actually expected me to even accomplish any substantial amount of sober time. It was always like one or two days sober…5 days was like a huge deal. But I have to say I’m so truly excited to not pick up a single drink or drug this year, because its MY year and I don’t have to or want to waste another one. I’m 21 days sober today and I can already see the pride on my face when I walk up and get that 30day chip in 9 days. I’m really greatful for the knowledge, support, and feedback for thus forum. Its kept me coming back for almost a year.
Be proud! You are making progress. I am like you…2017 will be MY year!
I finally decided I could not put anything before my sobriety, and although I’ve always been skeptical about maintenance it has really helped me completely diminish my cravings for alcohol and drugs. I also started an anti depressant which evenat a low ddose has completely lifted the depressing fog fr my life. I’m 23 days sober and I’mnever falling for the cunning lies of alcohol again. I ddon’t really even count every day because I’m accepting this as my new lifestyle! Thank you @Oliverjava and everyone else for all the support!
Atta girl!!Im so excited for you that is amazing!
Day 26. I am experiencing a difficult time as my boss and friend recently just died in a tragic car accident, but the remaining owners need me sober and reliable now more than ever, and I’m proud to be here for any support they need
Hang in there Ash! Amazing mindset. I’m dealing with some similar issues and need to be clear headed and emotionally available as well.
15 1/2 days in- feels great.