New Year's Resolution(s)

Well I didn’t see a thread for this when I searched so I guess I’m going to start a thread. Personally, I’m a big fan of New Years resolutions and of second (or 30th) chances in general. Obviously we all have the desire in our hearts to be free from the influence of our addictions but even beyond that I feel like everything is interconnected: our health, well-being, sleep habits, finances, relationships, all of it!

Every aspect of our life experiences are either potential triggers or paths to liberation.

So what are you looking to improve? what defenses will you be shoring up next week? Here are a few of mine and maybe even a resource or two.

  • Get my Blue belt in BJJ. This will take months to a year in itself but the first step is regular attendance when participation so that’s what I will focus on till I get my blue belt.

  • be a better employee. Kinda vague, but there are many small things that I can do that I do not do in my lax state of work. Showing up a few minutes early, doing the bs charting and in general treating every shift like its my first day again.

  • reduce debt. Erratic finances, emotional shopping, compensating with overtime. All of these reduce my mental stability and negatively affect my home life position. Ive been focusing on reducing monthly bills. No financing in 2023 for me.

I hope everyone can look back on 22 and see some progress from 2021 and even though none of us are probably there yet, its the directed intentional action that will change things. You know a lot of time “flowing like water” is viewed as almost a passive activity, but check this out

Thats what water can do when its properly focused! It can cut through steel!! Flow like water in 2023, with purpose!! Trajectory always trumps position so where you are is not as important as where you’re going. Be well :grinning:


My biggest progresse and greatest acchivment in 2022 is that I have not had one drink and been sober the whole year!

My resolutions for 2023 is to continue on my sober life, and changing my lifestyle with a healthier way of eating and starting to exercise, to feel better.

Also to be more deticated to learning the language of my father, to at least be better in speaking it.


My sobriety is my biggest achievement as well. Never taking that for granted. I had a fantastic 2022, so I’ll be focusing on more of the same in 2023. Really happy for you.


Me neither, Im so happy for the struggle to get here where I am today sober, it has really been worth it. I have spend christmas with People drinking and even got alchol in christmas presents, but I am not tempted to drink.

I hope your 2023 will give you more of what you got in 2022, so 2023 also will be a great year!


We’d love that too!!


I will stay sober today!
Wash, rinse, repeat x 365


I am not waiting on New Year to start being sober. I drank on Christmas day. So 2 days in now.

Other resolutions, pay off my credit cards. Save money. Lead a healthier lifestyle.


I’m not sure about resolutions. I do them every year and I seem to be doing worse and worse each year. So I’m trying to see if I can frame it in a way that it’s not a “resolution”.

My main thing I want to do is to do my physical therapy exercises and stretches regularly. I always feel better when I do but I don’t do them unless I’m really in pain. :disappointed:


I love this idea for a thread! For me my New Years resolutions are:

  • To continue on with recovery. Its sort of a personal goal of going 1 full calender year clean and sober and then of course keep on with recovery :+1:

  • Focus on healthy eating and exercise. Like really put some serious effort and focus into it. I want this upcoming year to be about a healthy lifestyle

  • Bring down some debt and get a bit of savings. I want my credit card paid off and my overdraft to be paid off too. As of January 10th ill have 1 friend officially paid off. And my long standing debt with my family will be plugged away at slowly each month. Id like to have a little savings set aside for emergencies also.

So far this is what is on my mind for New Years resolutions. 2 big issues that i want to address are the bottom 2 items (well the financial one is really an issue. Financial stuff is like a black cloud over my head :unamused: My eating is an issue but not so much exercise, but they kind of go hand n hand in a sense for me).


For 2023 id like to not touch a drop of alcohol. A whole calendar year sober. That concept seemed so far out of reach 7 months ago but i have good momentum and taking it day by day.


Stay sober. Work on a balance between work/home that is harmonious to me. Get a promotion I’ve been working on getting. Focus more on my creative pursuits- don’t let them take a back seat to things I think I have to do. The creative pursuits are things I have to do too.


I stopped giving myself resolutions and started setting an intention a few years ago and I haven’t missed the mark yet.
This year’s intention is to live in my body. I can get wrapped up in what’s going on in my head and become disconnected. What does that look like to me:
More excursions with physical goals (snowshoeing, paddle board, etc., say yes when someone asks if I want to try something new),
Trying different exercise ideas on You Tube,
Eat more delicious good (when you phrase it like this it becomes fun),
More sex with my husband,
Staying sober so my mind keeps the peace.

I think it helps to talk to yourself kindly. The more negatives you fit into a resolution (“I won’t, lose, never”) the less fun it becomes to keep.


I want to not touch any whippets, get back to the gym and focus on the workouts I like to do and not force myself to do what I hate, and to save money for the things I want to do in my life and for emergency funds.


One year sober…I know you will get there. I am a good judge of someone’s resolve and yours is SOLID.


I’m going to perfect my goatee so when I put on my horns I really look the part. Oh and tell more people who deserve it to fuck off.


This statement applies to almost every positive/prevatative aspect of my life lol. Be it mediatation, stretching my back/hips, and even logging in here!

The way I see resolutions are that I’m just trying to improve my quality of life. Do i know spanish yet or piano? No. Lol. But if on the path to success i have to take 800 detours, it is what it is. Not gonna beat myself up more than i already do. I hope you stretch regularly and have less pain.


Stepping into 2023 just like this:

@chicagoghetto3 shared a post on Instagram: "BAD HABITS LEAD TO BAD CHOICES 👀💯 RIP MO3 🕊#chicagoghetto3". Follow their account to see 3114 posts.


Focus on staying sober. Recognizing that no is a full sentence. Simple because that’s what I need right now.


And all good things stem from that exact goal! It is truly the only resolution that matters


Become more patient with my elderly Mom-92.
Eat more greens
Continue to form the boundaries to distance my soul from the verbally abusive people in my life.
Work on my recovery and attend in person AA meetings. Confession: I’ve been to Zoom mtgs, not in-person since pandemic. I found one in schedule I’ll try this week.

Judge less and be grateful. :unicorn: