Hello everybody, may I introduce myself… my name is Britt and i’m an addict i am clean and sober for 1 year and 1 month now.
I just made an account and to be honest… i really dont understand how this site works…
So if my post is not at the correct place,
Please let me know, i will change it (if i know how )
I’m from Holland, speak Dutch but also English so I do understand everything above
I wish everybody a good day and the power you will need this day
Thank you! Can you tell me how i post a message in chats or topics?
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Ello mate, top of the morning dearie want to sponsor me?
I’m always willing to help! Maybe we should talk to see if there’s a click. I’m new on this site and dont know if we can have a private talk? Otherwise I can give you my email.
Welcome congratulations on 1 year and 1 month, that is a big step. This site is awesome and the people on here rock.
Hello. My name is Debbie. I am new at this. I’m scared but I’m trying to take it one step at a time. I have been in recovery for a couple months now. Still new to everything.
Hi Debbie, welcome! Change is scary, but it also brings hope. It took me about two years of contemplation before I finally quit drinking. Why? I was scared! You’ve taken the hardest step, now plow forward. You can do it!
Thank you Pat. Yea it is very hard but I’m doing it day by day. I’m affraid of everything and that includes meeting and making sober friends. Today I’m 80 days clean!! I’m trying to move forward but it seems like a million obstacles come flying at me to knock me back.
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80 days is great! I’m at 93, so we’re at the same place. I’m still making friends with my sober self, so making new sober friends is on the back burner. In the meantime everyone here is really great, so stick around!
Thank you. As of today I’m at 307 days clean and sober. I’m working on my people, places and things. I’m trying to find new sober friends. I still think about my addiction drug but not like I did before. Like you said, I’m a new comer. You are the 1st and only person that has spoke to me since I joined. I hope everybody on here is nice, not judgemental, etc.
Thank you. I could really use clean sober friends to talk to.
Thank you. It is a very big step. I’m mostly affraid of change. I’m a emotional wreck. My emotions are all over the place. It feels good to meet and talk to clean sober people.
That sounds like a great plan. I could really use the help. It’s nice to talk to clean amd sober people. I’m an emotional wreck, I’m learning who I really am since I’m sober and not using. Thank you.
Dang it’s so nice to see your still sober. Sometimes people just stop posting and we’re not sure what happened to them. Try making a new thread and hopefully more people will post back. Welcome back. So glad your here
Thank you. I’m glad to be back. Yea normally when people stop posting stuff means that they fell off and relapsed. I really appreciate your concern. It’s hard to meet nice, clean, sober people. I will continue to post so everybody knows that I’m alright. It would be real nice to keep in touch with you. Again thank you for caring and worrying. It feels great to talk to clean sober people as well. Again thank you so much hunny.
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I deleted the app a while ago… but im still clean people. Still dont understand the site anyway haha.
Today 2 years, 1 month, 1 week and 3 days clean and sober bitches. So still going strong, no relapses woehoe.
Hope u guys are also still clean and doing well!!
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