Newly sober advice needed

I am K. I have been drinking heavily for about 6 years. It started with my parents sharing with me when I was a teenager and developed in to a full fledged addiction. It is on my mind all the time. It will use any excuse to work its way in again. I drink to help me wake up, I drink to help me focus, I drink to help me sleep. But most of all I drink to forget my trauma, to make life not have to feel so hard or scary.
I need to get this under control. I have tried to quit on my own before but it never works. I decided to try this!
Any recommendations or advise for a newcomer?


Thank you!

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Hi and welcome.
As above, read read and read again. As much as you can.
One of the first things you will discover is that you are not alone in this.
Have an open mind when you read, we should be prepared to give anything a go, the more uncomfortable we feel the better. We need to change our lifestyles.
Stick around, connect with people like you.


Welcome K and great start coming here. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying, I’ve tried to quit many times without support. It never happened. The Addiction Devil, as I call it, is just too big for me to handle on my own. I really wanted to quit this time so I’m getting support here. And I’ve also been able to turn my addiction over to God. IMO It’s way to hard to do alone.


Welcome Katie. You will get great advice here. Actually, you already have. Glad you have joined us.

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Welcome! This is a great place to start your journey. Remember your never alone and I’m glad you joined friend :heart:

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Welcome! I found reading a lot on here has helped me. I suggest starting here: New for 2020? Start here!

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