Newly sober quitting smoking

Hi everyone, me and some other guys are quitting smoking tomorrow do you have any tips and/or advice? I’m currently in a treatment center and just got 30 days sober today and was thinking I’m in a great place to quit smoking cigarettes. Thank you for any help you could share!


Just be aware that it’s going to be a tough battle, but it’s worth it. The physical withdrawals can be pretty gnarly. How heavy of a smoker are you? If you’re smoking a lot, you may want to consider tapering off instead of quitting cold turkey. Also gum or mints are good for the oral fixation part of it.
Good luck!


I’m not smoking that much and I was reading that nicotine will be out of the body in 72 hours so me and my buddies were thinking it would be best to go cold turkey while we have support from counselors here. Some people say don’t quit, one thing at a time but I’m thinking knock all the addictions out at once. Thank you for the advice!!!

I was at half a pack a day and I quit cold turkey (about 8 years ago) so it can be done. I admit that I’ve smoked a few cigarettes since then, but only when I was really drunk…now that I’m sober, it’s a non-issue.
You can do it!


Awesome thank you!

i waited till i was a year sober, to stop cigs was into the gym so had a good excuse not to and it worked that was 33 years ago now wish you well


Just checking in on how your first day is going! :no_smoking: :muscle:

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Don’t let nicotine withdrawal distract you from your sobriety work. I was told to wait at least a year, and I waited 3 until I quit smoking. Frankly, I needed it as I worked my steps and sober program, to deal with stress and feeling uncomfortable.

I quit smoking using medication and the 12 steps. Last cig was Feb 14, 2008.


I quit smoking a few weeks ago and I noticed a difference in a few days. It was hard from time to time but not drinking has helped. I think its a good idea

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I ended up having 1 cigarette today but I’m pretty proud of myself for that lol. Tomorrow is a new day and I know I can do it! Thank you for checking on me @Tess you rock!

That’s awesome @MommaHope! I had 1 today but still think I can do this for sure! Thanks for the support!!!

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I hear ya @SinceIAwoke. Some of the counselors said I should wait and the others said get er done lol. I had 1 cigarette today but not beating myself up. Tomorrow is a new day. Thanks for the support!!!

Nice job! :slightly_smiling_face:

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30 days sober AND quitting smoking. IDK man. Don’t put anything in front of staying sober, because that’ll be the second thing you loose. If that means ripping a cigarette here and there then that’s what you have to do.

If you think you can take on the nicotine withdrawals in addition to alcohol cravings without jeopardizing your sobriety then go for it.

When I stopped drinking I actively STARTED chewing tobacco again–a habit I had dropped a few years earlier. Chewing kept me sober in the beginning. Then I quit chewing.


Hahaha. Yeah it’s a baseball thing, which may be why its an American thing? That’s what got me hooked. Being a freshman in highschool and a senior offers you a chew… It had the image of becoming true ballplayer. I know that’s weird, but everyone chew’s in Major League Baseball and so all the cool kids were doing it :joy:.

Needless to say, the habit didn’t stop when baseball did. But I knew I could use that crutch in early sobriety. For me at least.

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