Nightmares and panic attacks

So my life is not only filled with addiction but I have ptsd and it doesn’t help when I wake up in a panic attack and no where to find comfort it seems, esp the middle of the night, it’s a big struggle I have… anyone else wake up in sweats and fighting to breathe?..


Yes friend, they suck. I get them more often then I care for. There are some techniques to calm down, like connecting with your surroundings via your senses: what can you see, what can you hear, touch, smell. Soothing movements. There are some anti-anxiety meditations available on the Insight Timer app. Having a prayer or a mantra. Breathing exercises to calm down.
Depending on your age and hormonal situation they might be signs of perimenopause.
Sending you calm and strength.


Yes, yes they do most certainly suck… and I’m 36 and my cycle is never regular but I’ve been checked and they haven’t commented anything about my hormones before so I think they’re ok. I’ve tried working on breathing techniques where it does help, just doesn’t help prolonged… I am on anxiety meds, nightmare meds, and take a pill to help with panic attacks but sometimes they get real bad…
Thank you for the kind words :purple_heart:



I got this pretty much every night for the first week or so. Waking up sweaty and heart racing.

Last night, had another intense dream. Woke up scared which is unusual for me. I’m considering it part of the journey. I also noticed it happens more often when I eat before bed.

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I’ve considered it part of the journey too I suppose…
But I know how bad it can get when I’m not partaking and it scares me…and I didn’t eat today so it can’t be that…
thank you for the kind words

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During my first couple of years of sobriety i suffered badly with sleep paralysis/nightmares/demons,i thought i was going nuts at one stage,at its peak i was staying at a hotel and i woke to find it very windy in my room and something in the corner throwing stuff at me,i didnt even get dressed i just ran out in my underpants and told the night manager what happened,he just looked at me with this puzzled face on him,hahaha,i still believe it really happened!!!


I have had this issue for as long as I can remember, I suffer with PTSD from childhood abuse, so there’s that too… idk what it’s like not to have them…

Sorry to hear that i feel awful for you,they arent very good at all,i hope one day they will end for you,mine just stopped after a couple of years,hopefully yours will too

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Thank you for your kind words :purple_heart:

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Sorry to hear. :people_hugging: Panic attacks are so hard, even as we know they won’t hurt us, it sure feels like we are failing. Have you spoken to your doctor or therapist about them? I had a few in early sobriety. The best I could do was focus on my breath. This helped me sometimes.


I also took to journaling a few times a week just to get stuff out. Wishing you some peace and calm. :people_hugging::heart: