Nighttime Anxiety is a Bitch

This week I’ve been sleeping great but for whatever reason Anxiety monster is taking over tonight :imp: along with obsessing and guilt.

However I am safe and no real crisis, I let myself have a good cry and now watching silly YouTube videos. I know tomorrow will be a better day (hopefully)

Just wanted to check in with my fellow insomniacs


This time shall pass, these feelings are temporary :people_hugging:
I also get bad anxiety and insomnia and each can make the other more sensitive. Hope you manage to get some rest.
I find if I don’t get any sleep or broken sleep and only an hour or two my anxiety is so sensitive the next day - I could jump at wind blowing or my cat meow.
But having been through it so many times I just tell myself this time will pass, I’m safe, I’ll be okay and be kind to myself. It’s not easy.


Thank you :people_hugging::hugs: giving you a virtual hug for your support

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Its positive to let these feelings out if it helps you heal emotionally…