No more cigarettes

Making a post to hold myself accountable.

I have smoked my last cigarette. I used to smoke half a pack a day and then quit back in 2012. Since getting sober from alcohol (78 days!) I’ve bought two packs and smoked them all. Not a road I want to go down so I’m writing down my intention - no more smoking cigarettes EVER. It’s smelly and it’s expensive and I want to treat my body better.

Who else has quit cigarettes and how much time do you have?


Congrats on your 78 days off alcohol! No more cigarettes is a great goal. You can definitely do it!

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Thank you!

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Great decision! Smoking sucks!

Are you going cold turkey?

I started smoking at 12 and smoked for 24 years. I switched to vaping for 4 years, which was worse BTW (as far as nicotine addiction goes) and quit that when I quit drinking; 2 years later this month.

Good for you @Tess!!

Ive been trying to quit on and off for years and am at 41 days currently. Used a vape here and there for the first couple of weeks and have fazed that out now. I’m feeling pretty good about it this time.

33 years this october


Not sure how long. I had quit for about 10 years, then relapsed when my wife and I separated. It took me another year and a half to quit after that. I’d say I’m at about 4 years now. I don’t miss it at all! It took a long time for the smoking dreams to go away though. I’d dream I was looking for cigarettes or I had a cigarette and needed to find a place to hide in order to smoke it, or that I was getting caught smoking. So much anxiety and each time I’d wake up I’d be SO relieved it was just a dream.

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I’ve been off the cigarettes for 2 years. It’s a horrible addiction and hard to kick. The first week is most painful, the rest is purely a mind game. After a week though, at least for me, was pretty easy breezy.

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I am. Fortunately, I don’t think I became physically addicted with the two packs because I’m not feeling any cravings. More of a mental, habitual thing. No vaping. Done is done

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I don’t actually think I’ll have too tough a time because I’m not currently physically addicted like I was back in 2012. It’s more of a habitual mental thing and I’ve had plenty of practice with that with alcohol the last few months :+1:

Congrats Tess for me about a year in November since I stopped. It wasn’t bad compared to quiting alcohol. A lot of cravings after like two weeks but that was all. You made the right choice in quiting.

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Cigarettes are such a pain to cast aside. I am going crazy. Not even a quarter of my first day without cigs, and I am going crazy :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::angry::rage::triumph::unamused::roll_eyes::face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow::frowning::scream::fearful::zipper_mouth_face::grimacing::flushed::pleading_face::shushing_face::cold_sweat::cry::exploding_head: