No motivation

5 days sober :blush: I imagined I would be full of energy, but I’m not ! I was more active after drinking than I am now :grimacing: I at least walk every day , if I don’t do anything else I always get my 10,000 steps in, but I haven’t done that and I’m finding it hard to get up in the morning where as before I could, what on earth is going on ? :sunflower:


It’s normal, so do not worry. Detoxing (and that’s what you are doing) is hard work for your body and mind. So being tired can stay for a while.
How is your sleeping patern? For me the first months of my recovery (alcohol) I slept bad.
And drinking cost a lot of vitamin B, so I would suggest to add a vitamin B complex to your daily routine for a while.
But the good part is that all above ir’s going to be better in the future!
I sleep like a baby now and have a lot of energy most of the time :confetti_ball:


Early days are healing days and this is totally normal…so is excess energy for others. Some people feel fantastic…others lethargic. We all heal differently, and heal we must. It is early days still. Allow your body the rest it is craving. It no longer has to work so hard to keep you healthy and it is saying…oh thank you, I can rest now, rest with me. :people_hugging: Energy will come back, sleep will settle (this took a very long time for me, but it happened). Learning to listen to my body was and is part of my journey. Nourish your self. You so deserve that. And congratulations on your 5 days!!


This is really simple and really true!!


Alcohol gets metabolized into sugar, sugar is energy. Take out the alcohol, you lose that energy. It’s temporary, it takes a few weeks to reset your metabolism. Be sure to eat well and get plenty of rest, the energy will come back.


Big pat on the back for five days AF and getting 10K steps a day. Don’t minimize that at all. You have won big time for the last five days in a row.

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Thank you :sunflower:

Thank you , I didn’t think of it that way . :sunflower:

@HoofHearted is completely right the sugar we got from the booze went one of 2 ways depending on who you are and your individual metabolism is. It either gives you energy or it isn’t used and leads to weight gain. I’m the same as you when I stopped drinking I felt totally washed-out, no energy and no motivation. You’ve got to replace the lost fuel :fuelpump: with something else, a healthy something else.
My go to was a sort of trail mix, dried fruit and nuts, I made myself, you get the protein from the nuts and ‘good’ sugars from the fruit. I still snack on it now after 18 years, but I now add seeds to the mix as well.
The other thing that’s already been mentioned is that alcohol depletes your body of vitamins especially the non persistent ones like the B’s. A, B complex or at least B12 (Thiamine) would be a good start and once you’re feeling more human a complete multi-vitamin to keep you ticking over.
Trust me it does get better, but, it takes time to undo the damage years of drinking caused.
Just treat yourself right and don’t expect overnight miracles, they come later!
I wish you well on your recovery journey, just, stay safe and stay sober

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Be gentle on yourself, your body is just speaking to you about what it needs for this transition. You’re going though a very big change. Give yourself some grace as this phase is temporary and you’ll be feeling much better soon-just keep going! :heart: Congratulations on your 5 days!

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Thank you, you are right of course time is a healer, and everything takes time :sunflower:

Thank you , how lovely of you to take time to type all that out :relieved: I am taking on board all the things I need to do to keep this sober body going, and God willing I will make myself proud :pray:t2::sunflower: