No religion please

Day 6. Longest I’ve been sober for over a year. I’ve been going to a substance abuse treatment program through the VA, as well as Mental Health therapy. Currently trying Naltrexone to help me with the cravings/urges. December 31,209@2359, I had the hardest time saying no, but I managed. I think the hardest part about this journey is fighting the fact that I want to drink. I love the way it tastes. I love the way it smells. Most of all, I love the way it makes me feel. A part of me wants to break and have a couple, but then I get this guilty feeling. A feeling that I’ll be letting myself and others down, while proving some of them right. If anyone can offer guidance or advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you


Why are you in treatment? I’m just wondering what it is that got you there, if you don’t see alcohol as a negative thing.

Also, your title is no religion, why is that? A big part of sobriety for me has been trying to understand lots of different approaches, even if they don’t resonate with me. I am atheist/agnostic but have learned a lot from people who connect with more spiritual things. The more options we have available to us, the greater chance of success! Take what you need, leave what you don’t :blush:


Getting sober is about spiritual growth. This doesn’t relate to going to church, unless you want it to.
Changing our mindset is also a major element.
We don’t gain anything by romanticism.
Open mind to try anything is what it’s going to take.


I’m just 3 days and reading a book called The naked mind by Annie Grace. I find it really helps to understand this from a scientific and societal point of view


To each their own-don’t let others put their ways on you. For me it wasn’t AA Or reading books, or having a spiritual awakening, I realized I was a shitty fucking person when I drank. I hurt those I loved and had a problem with alcohol. Simple as that. It doesn’t need to be complicated-you know it’s bad for you, you will find your own way to stop. Remember why you want to and continue to remind yourself that.


How many days do you have if you dont mind me asking?

307 as of today.


Some would say that is your spiritual awakening Emilie! :heart:


If I had to tick a box on a form I would tick NO RELIGION. Yet every morning I pray for strength, courage, acceptance and forgiveness. Every night when I get in bed sober I say thank you. It cannot be defined by one word, GOD. Its for me and its mine and its more powerful than I was on my own. And I’m sober.


Damn, thats the exact number i had when i relapsed at the end of last year. Too bad the end of last year is less than a month ago :neutral_face:

I have to agree with @anon12657779. My sobriety has nothing to do with religious beliefs. It’s about my spiritual growth. Take the time to look through the different topics in this forum. There is a lot of great experience and advice recorded here. Good luck to you my friend.


Ah shit man. I’m sorry to hear that…may I ask what triggered your relapse? My constant doctor visits definitely help with my sobriety-he always tells me if I relapse I’m more likely to need a transplant in less time so it’s definitely an eye opener

Many things triggered my relapse: i was in a bad period of my life with family, i was bored and i was confident that i had addiction under control. So i thought “fuck my life, i deserve to use some and i think i can handle it now”. One line became a 3 day binge and what was bad in my life got worse, of course. At least now im 23 days clean :slightly_smiling_face:


And learnt from your experience one can hope?

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Wow, well I’m so happy to hear you’re back on board. Doing things differently I hope. New year, new you!

Yes, i learned. I hope the brain doesnt forget the acquired knowledge after months or years…

Thanks! :grinning:Happy new year for you too! :love_you_gesture:

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Atheist here. Many of us avoid anything related to 12 step because of all the God talk. I remember reading a chapter in AAs main book called “We Agnostics,” and it was extremely rude and condescending. The more secular-minded might want to look into something like SMART recovery instead.


I remind myself of all of the times that it made me feel really shitty. Congratulations on day 6, not far behind you. Here is what has helped me, and it’s advice I got from a book called stop thinking about drinking. That voice that says it’s okay to have a few, or that it would taste good or that you will feel better? It’s your addiction voice. Give it a name. I named my drinking voice Asshole. So last night when I was on my way home my addiction voice chimed in with, jeez, it’s new years, you’ve done three days, so you don’t need to quit to which I replied STFU Asshole. It sounds weird, but it helps. What would you name your addiction voice if you were so inclined?


You should turn that into your own thread.