No religion please

I’m not particularly religious and follow no organized religion. I’m spiritual for sure though. I kinda just wonder what would happen if we started anti-atheism threads? There’s quite a few people who are very religious and I wonder what they must think of these types of posts. Food for thought I suppose.


I’m fairly new here so take it for what it’s worth. I see anti theism threads as a breath of fresh air. My thought when I see people say it could not be done without a higher people is they really do not give themselves enough credit. I could not imagine why a higher power would afflict so many with addiction where most don’t even come out alive in the first place.


Everyone is free in thoughts and state of mind i guess. You also could reverse the things you mention to an atheïst or what about people believing in science and evolution…
I’d never wanna hurt anybodys feelings but we should let eveyone free to think and say whatever they want. Religious or not.
No judgement, of you believe then religion is great for those involved but a healthy discussion is always good i guess

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That would be like lots of preaching and telling how we paving our way to the old warm barn-fire up above i guess

You have misunderstood the meaning of higher power, it is something more personal to the individual not an so seeing and doing being, at least for me anyway. The fact that some people have nature as their higher power suggests this is the case. :slightly_smiling_face: That being said it’s completely up to you what you do or do not believe in and I mean no criticism. :+1:

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You make valid point. Anti theistic sounds like against/fighting those that believe in God/gods. It’s just more of a LACK of it or simply not convinced I suppose.

Pro religion threads are not anti-atheism threads though. This has devolved in to calling religion a drug and other such things. Again, I’m not particularly religious myself so I don’t have a horse in this race. And though you may enjoy reading the thread, many atheists here would not. I’ve seen how offended some people get a the mere mention of God. You are a little more stable in your recovery than others. Like I said, it’s just food for thought. I will say the people getting particularly defensive about the issue indicates there may be some truth in what I am saying.


Boom !! You hit the nail right on the head. Thank you !!

Apologies for misunderstanding…was replying to this inquiry… “I kinda just wonder what would happen if we started anti-atheism threads? There’s quite a few people who are very religious and I wonder what they must think of these types of posts.”

No need to apologise whatsoever, I just felt you may have the sightly wrong idea as to what it means to people who don’t have a particularly strong or any belief in God at all. A lot of people can seem to miss out on what is a life saving resource often through a misunderstanding of this higher power business.
I’m always wary of making comments like the one I just made to you as with it effectively being just words on a screen it can easily get taken the wrong way. I respect everybody’s beliefs. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


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Damn, i got flagged by saying " religion might also be a drug"
Bit childish… deffinately not an atheïst i guess

Might get flagged also :yum:


Okaaaaay! But because I quoted Oscar Wilde, I didn’t get flagged?
Go figure

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Changed the post, but just to who flagged it…
Deff. Not an atheïst

Probz for oscar wilde i guess geoff

I tried to flag Oscar Wilde for the original material but it turns out he’s not a member. And he’s dead.


Hi Yoda,

At first I rejected this thread due to the header… Been reading through the comments a bit.
You ask for guidance and advice here it is. I am about to be fully sober for 148 days in my first run doing what I can and trusting in other people to guide me there. People on here and people in NA.

I found guidance in my NA groups (not religion) it is a group of people (95% non religious) who help each other through sharing experiences and giving out advice on recovery itself and also suggestions on life in recovery.
Also I found someone in the program which is working through a bunch of questions with me.
These questions are mainly a reflection tool.
And what it gives me “mildness of heart”
I have accepted that life doesn’t evolve around me and that I do not have a toolbox to control what’s happening to me Tommorow.
What I get from it… If I make positive decisions I’ll get my rewards of recovery and that has proven to be a fact for me.

Via this post I hope you can see a self help group which originated from religion not as religious persay. It’s what one takes from it.

My guidance advise and suggestion is you try it… And if it makes you worse then you are now… You can always stop going.

Good luck Yoda! I wish you all the Best and a great 2020


Thank god for my flagged post beïng unflagged :rofl: @anon12657779 … I guess it was oscar wilde who saved me in the end

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How’s beautiful Holland on this fine January evening m8? I once for flagged for talking about dandruff, apparently I derailed the thread. :joy::frowning::+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Holland #050 up north is like this at the time

Hmmmm… dandruff, i have an image in my head now… homer simpson taking it away in a snorting kind a day dream :rofl::rofl:


I’m seriously planning on having my 13th visit to Amsterdam this summer sometime, no smoking this time around though! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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