Non alcoholic beers?

I drink them. They give me the flavor satisfaction and feeling of fullness I used to get from drinking which helps I think. I’m on day 31 today :slight_smile: on my worst days having a NA or 2 helped sooth me at least mentally a little. It tricks my brain


Sorry this thread triggered you. I agree with @Mindymoo everyones journeys is different and we may all need different tools. I like to read others perspective and experience. Gives more knowledge about things I may not know about.

I have experimented with NA beers in the past. Ive tried them all.

They taste fake and feel like a restriction for me.

They make me miss good beers even more.

Mocktails piss me off! :rofl: I despise Mocktails!


Not trying to make light of anything here on this thread, but this made me lmao!


I used to keep them in my fridge during past attempts but I always went back to drinking. Now I keep bubbly water and other tasty fun non-alcoholic drinks and am 4 months alcohol free. I’m saving any NA beer consumption for when I am out at a place that is primarily a drinking establishment (which has happened once in my sobriety).
I am glad that there are more tasty NA beer options these days. I ordered one at a bar and this grizzled old guy next to me struck up a conversation that I thought would end with questions about my sobriety. Instead he wanted to talk about the NA I chose and told me it was his current favorite. He was sober too.
Whatever you decide try to use them mindfully. Stay well. :heart:


Yes, but I didn’t piss on anybody or anything as they were non alcoholic which is a bonus :man_shrugging:


I’ve used it in the past because I love the taste of beer. Effects are a bonus but I do enjoy the taste. That being said I drank then in attempts to stop drinking and didn’t work for me. The positive note is I didn’t get shit faced those days and any 1 day not loaded is good. I thought about this the other day how I wanted one I called my sponsor and he mentions…strike that I Google if it’s a good idea then call my sponsor lol. I’m working an honest 12 step program of N.A. so I ask my sponsor what he thought then he says well most of. Non alcoholic booze has alcohol still very little but still. The only one to his knowledge was the Hieneken idk if I spelled that right. Anyways for me personally trying to be 100% abstinent these days it’s just not a good idea to plant that seed of booze in my life again even if it’s fake booze. Personally it’s to much of a gamble for me. But to each there own .

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I did order some none alcoholic wine about 4 months Into to my sobriety. For me it was a mistake. Just seeing the bottle triggered thoughts I didn’t like. Pouring it too. I just got rid of it didn’t drink or keep the bottle . For me its a trigger I’d rather avoid.


They are horrible, a waste of money, and there are so many better things to drink I have no idea why anyone bothers…

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I have them in a pint glass and then top up with lemonade lovely,

I think this topic should be treated the same as playing Stairway To Heaven in a guitar store.


I feel the same way about NA whiskey and NA wine. I’m wary of Seedlip for this reason.

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N/A beer/wine etc will always be a marmite kind of topic. Some it will help, others it won’t. I never drank for the taste or the enjoyment of drinking, I only ever hit the booze to get drunk so for me they do nothing and I don’t like them.

I found love in ice water, I literally drink a minimum of 4 litres of iced water every day. Sometimes I hit 7 litres when I’m doubling up my cardio and HIIT training sessions. (Before people chime in and say it’s too much water, it’s not, as long as your body hydration levels are less than 55% you’re healthily hydrated, mine are regularly about 51%)

When I feel like I want an alcoholic drink I add a little bit of flavoured barley water or something just to make it my “treat” and that’s what works for me.

If you enjoy the NA stuff and it won’t lead you to relapse then do what works for you. Your path is your own to walk how you choose, people have many different ways of getting to and achieving their goals.

Simply put do what works for you.


I drink a gallon of water a day and kick it up some a week before a race.

“read the sign” :joy: yes I agree

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Me too and it quickly went back to the real thing!